New Thai Restaurants in London

New Thai Restaurants in London



Original Poster:

2,965 posts

160 months

Sunday 10th November 2024
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Firstly, apologies to all those with no interest in restaurants in London.

Reading what I thought was a click-bait article yesterday, it appears that there are 3 new interesting Thai restaurants in London, either recently opened or opening in the next week or so.

Koyn Thai in Mayfair is the one that's already opened (looks a bit posh, but maybe the food will be decent)
Anglothai is opening this week
The most exciting is Long Chim which will be in Rupert St (next door but one to Speedboat). Long Chim is a David Thompson restaurant, so I have very high hopes for that.

We tried Kolae a few weeks ago. It was decent enough but not somewhere I'd rush back to. Speedboat and Plaza Khao Gaeng on the other hand are both worthy of regular repeat visits.


5,112 posts

204 months

Monday 11th November 2024
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The first 2 look lovely, but are kind of why speedboat is so brilliant, the best Thai food in the world comes from a place with plastic chairs stainless tables and a Soi dog, tasting menus are out of place I want an auntie who has cooked the same 3 dishes since she was serving MACV soldiers on R&R. IMHO of course.

Long Chim sounds great but will have to be bloody marvellous to walk past speedboat for! Do you know when it opens?