What's that app that's an alternative to Gousto.....?

What's that app that's an alternative to Gousto.....?



Original Poster:

1,727 posts

103 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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Been having Gousto for around 18mths now, saved all the recipe cards. Although I seem to remember a while ago someone on here mentioned an app that allows you to effectively input the ingredients in your cupboard, scan the recipe cards, then it'll give you a list of the additional ingredients required.

We're hoping to decide on say 4 recipes over the weekend, and get a list of what we need to buy, and on we go.


5,264 posts

141 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
quotequote all
SuperCook? Not sure you can scan ingredients yet though, you say them out load AFAIK