Gluten free, vegetarian?



Original Poster:

1,023 posts

24 months

Saturday 31st August 2024
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I have a relative staying who is a gluten free vegetarian (not by choice).

Can I have your suggestions as to recipe ideas. Preferably not too spicy, otherwise I would have gone with chickpea and squash curry.

Personally I tend to avoid special gluten free or vegetarian meat as they are usually ste and/or highly processed. Although, has anyone tried the "yellow pea pasta".


517 posts

66 months

Saturday 31st August 2024
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Pretty much any vegetarian recipe you make from scratch will be good. Just watch out for hidden gluten in things like stock cubes and sauces. If your rel is coeliac please make sure you clean all worktops etc and cook separately to avoid even the slightest contamination.
Curries, tagines, veg chilli can all be spiced to taste. Be sure to use lots of different veg eg aubergines, sweet potato, squash for interest.
For flavour, dried mushrooms are your friend - they give you some of that umami that you miss from meat.
You are right to avoid things like quorn - utter filth.

For gluten free baking, Becky Excel is great

Edited by drmike37 on Saturday 31st August 13:18


2,568 posts

91 months

Saturday 31st August 2024
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I'll be following this thread with interest, as I'm fairly gluten intolerant and have been vegetarian for 55 years.


517 posts

66 months


Original Poster:

1,023 posts

24 months

Saturday 31st August 2024
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drmike37 said:
Thanks. The veg tagine looks really tasty. Tha could be the winner.


17,133 posts

212 months

Saturday 31st August 2024
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I actual prefer this to chilli made with beef getmecoat


292 posts

220 months

Thursday 5th September 2024
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I have a coeliac daughter and a vegetarian daughter we find quite a few recipes in Marcus Wareings books for example: