Electric Pizza Oven



Original Poster:

1,537 posts

118 months

Thursday 29th August 2024
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Having teenagers and refusing to buy Domino's I have been making lots of pizzas over the years.
Having a little spare cash I thought I would look into these indoor single use Electric Pizza Ovens. Obviously not on par with the outdoor "wood fire" ones.

Looking for reviews please specially the Sage Pizzaiolo.



12,085 posts

219 months

Thursday 29th August 2024
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I've played with various ovens, big wood fired domes, smaller domestic wood fired ones, twin deck commercial electric and smaller domestic electric. Plus the pan pizza method in domestic and commercial ovens.

At home I now use an electric one off Amazon for 100 odd quid. Purely on convenience is wins for me.

I can only imagine a decent electric one like the Sage that goes to 400C is going to tick most boxes.

If I had room I'd probably look at one.