Claris Water Filters Vs Mineral Water

Claris Water Filters Vs Mineral Water



Original Poster:

22,590 posts

235 months

Wednesday 21st August 2024
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This is not going to be at all interesting. Apologies. smile

I have a Jura coffee machine which is great - however the water filters are now £60 for 4 of them. I live in a very hard water area - 300ppm, so a filter is needed.

Given that still mineral water is £5 for 10 litres and (in Volvic's case) the water is only 50ppm (soft) it would seem to be around the same cost, if not a bit cheaper, to fill it with lovely French mountain water. Probably better water and resulting coffee too.

Anyone else do this?

Mobile Chicane

21,394 posts

222 months

Wednesday 21st August 2024
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I make tea with Highland Spring.

Hard water area also, plus Thames Water so it's heavily chlorinated and smells awful.


1,950 posts

129 months

Sunday 1st September 2024
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NDA said:
This is not going to be at all interesting. Apologies. smile

I have a Jura coffee machine which is great - however the water filters are now £60 for 4 of them. I live in a very hard water area - 300ppm, so a filter is needed.

Given that still mineral water is £5 for 10 litres and (in Volvic's case) the water is only 50ppm (soft) it would seem to be around the same cost, if not a bit cheaper, to fill it with lovely French mountain water. Probably better water and resulting coffee too.

Anyone else do this?
Yes - I exclusively use Volvic in my espresso machine