Best restaurant in Memphis (TN!)

Best restaurant in Memphis (TN!)



Original Poster:

162 posts

137 months

Wednesday 14th August 2024
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We're going to be in Memphis in October, at which time, it will be my mum's 75th.

I'm after somewhere really special to take her. We'll have done BBQ a few times by then and ideally, are after something more upmarket for that night.

Any ideas gratefully received!


62 posts

152 months

Wednesday 14th August 2024
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Can't speak for anything upmarket personally, but happy to recommend Charlie Vergoes Rendezvous, a BBQ joint if you've not been there - it's down an alley behind the Peabody Hotel and if you time it right, you can pop over there and watch the Duck March which is a bit quirky!

Perhaps the restaurant inside the Peasbody Hotel? Certainly looked upmarket and swanky from the lobby!

Check for timings on the Duck March though.


4,415 posts

262 months

Wednesday 14th August 2024
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Um.. Memphis is - if you're avoiding bbq - possibly not the best US City to eat in. Outside of the immediate centre, it's also, frankly, rough and somewhat intimidating after dark and most visitors tend to congregate between the Peabody and Beale St.

The Peabody has a nobby white linen restaurant that is good but a bit dry and stuffy (dresscode etc) and a deeply average Italian that is egregiously expensive. The bar is good though and a nice place to people watch. The Majestic Grill is a 5 minute walk and is perfectly pleasant and the Flying Fish is a decent (non smart) Cajun fish/shrimp place next to The Peabody.

There are good bbq joints though and there's Coletta's if you fancy trying Elvis's favourite pizza! I would recommend uber'ing anywhere more than about a 5 minute walk from the Peabody though.

Decent eating and socialising is much better served in Nashville!