


Original Poster:

7,567 posts

231 months

Monday 5th August 2024
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Any PHers with real world experience?

Marketing hype or genuinely innovative?

Id take a pan that isn't completely non stick, but is less sticky than a steel pan bland lasts longer than a traditional non stick pan!


12,085 posts

219 months

Monday 5th August 2024
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ISTR either these or something very similar many years ago. I am very cynical of anything other than straight forward steel or non-stick. I've got cupboards full of pans collected over the years, some cheap, some expensive and some stupidly expensive. Essentially they are much the same once you get away from the cheap supermarket crap.

I stick to cheap stainless/aluminium/non-stick pans, don't fuss about special utensils or sticking them carefully in cupboards. I just chuck (sorry recycle) them when the coating dies.

Anything more tends to be just marketings. Interesting programme on BBC sounds where they reviewed different pans and coatings. "Toast" rings a bell?

ETA: Mrs21 remembers a hexagon pattern non-stick pan from "a long time ago", tefal?

Anyway... for comparison, 5.71 inc. VAT


Edited by 21TonyK on Monday 5th August 09:03


686 posts

217 months

Monday 5th August 2024
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I really like my one, I think it's fantastic!