


Original Poster:

632 posts

221 months

Saturday 3rd August 2024
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Tried some Cacao today mixed in with Greek yoghurt.

Still waiting for it to kick in

Anyone on here into this stuff or is it the usual next big thing that floats into fashion as quickly as it disappears


23,498 posts

150 months

Saturday 3rd August 2024
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I mix it into my overnight oats, gives them a bit more flavour and has health benefits, particularly with lowering blood pressure (I have high blood pressure) not sure if it works but nothing to lose TBH.

Mobile Chicane

21,394 posts

222 months

Saturday 3rd August 2024
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I buy the 2.5Kg bags of Callebaut power 80 and nibble a few callets daily.

Whether or not it has any 'effect' I couldn't say, but for it's supposed antioxidant health benefits I'll have a go.

Now I thought that stuff was expensive at £40 a bag. It's cooking chocolate, which is primarily what I use it for.


Original Poster:

632 posts

221 months

Saturday 10th August 2024
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I think a lot of people will try most things, especially if you start googling stuff and it gets into your algorithms.

I’ve been trying a magnesium tablet every evening for a month and don’t feel any different whatsoever so I’ll be knocking that one on the head


2,728 posts

107 months

Saturday 10th August 2024
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Takemeaway said:
I think a lot of people will try most things, especially if you start googling stuff and it gets into your algorithms.

I’ve been trying a magnesium tablet every evening for a month and don’t feel any different whatsoever so I’ll be knocking that one on the head
Most supplements don’t ‘kick in’ or make you feel much different short term.

They will take months, and at best a slight incremental improvement will be felt.

Sometimes you won’t feel different, but your body will be slightly healthier. Sometimes your body doesn’t need the supplements so you won’t get any benefits.

There not a magic bullet.