Spice rum recommendation



Original Poster:

293 posts

124 months

Friday 12th July 2024
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Evening guys

What do you all
Recommend looking to buy as a gift for someone ?



2,824 posts

220 months

Friday 12th July 2024
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7,603 posts

140 months

Friday 12th July 2024
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If you like them Chairman's Reserve. Not one you'll find in many bars or supermarkets but worth the effort..


5,349 posts

214 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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Not sure on your budget, the two I usually have in are Dark Matter or Hawksbills. Plenty of more expensive ones out there that maybe more fitting for a gift mind.

Mobile Chicane

21,394 posts

222 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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28,634 posts

135 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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Welsh Witch



301 posts

36 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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Black tear, a bit more of just dark than dark & spruced but very nice (coffee and vanilla hints)


2,078 posts

115 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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Swoxy said:


100 posts

54 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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Haven't found better than our local distillery, between Bristol and Bath

The cinder toffee rum is delicious as well.

Or something a bit different https://bumbu.sovereignbrands.com/en_UK/


12,037 posts

214 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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For a number of years, I've hesitated on buying a bottle of this:-

because it's made in Cornwall, and I like my rums to be Caribbean.

However, we had a week in Cornwall recently and Mrs. O ordered a rum 'n coke specifically asking for DMF. Lightly spiced, it is delicious; mixed with coke it's like liquid wine gums for adults nuts

However, if I was giving a rummy gift, it would be:-

Off the chart good.


2,249 posts

79 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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I enjoyed a bottle of this recently


3,297 posts

174 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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Bacardi spiced / oakheart. No weird after tastes like lots of the others. My absolute favourite.

Kraken is decent as well, and when nothing else is available then Captain Morgan.


1,236 posts

170 months

Wednesday 17th July 2024
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If you're throwing coke in it then pretty much anything is fine. Kraken doesn't taste of much so it's inoffensive. If you want something sweeter then DMF or Duo. If you want something well produced and decent then Dropworks, Ninefold or J.Gow.


6,566 posts

167 months

Wednesday 17th July 2024
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Kraken and Captain Morgans black spiced are my go-to everyday options and are easy to pick up at most supermarkets. Both are very similar in taste and I'm not sure which I prefer.
I like Holy Island spiced. It's a bit sweet with vanilla when you first taste it, but it quickly gets more savory on the tongue.
Pull the Pin is a great gift option. The bottle looks fun with the grenade pin style opener. One of its main characteristics is ginger which is one of my favourite flavours.
I've got some Bumbu but I've not tasted it yet so can't comment. Again, it's a bit more special than the supermarket offerings so maybe nicer as a gift.


4,073 posts

77 months

Wednesday 17th July 2024
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toon10 said:
I've got some Bumbu but I've not tasted it yet so can't comment. Again, it's a bit more special than the supermarket offerings so maybe nicer as a gift.
people rave about bumbu but i found it too sweet and toffee flavoured to be palatable.


5,592 posts

217 months

Thursday 18th July 2024
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blue_haddock said:
people rave about bumbu but i found it too sweet and toffee flavoured to be palatable.
It does have a very 'caramelly' taste which I love and my wife hates so maybe one that easily splits opinion.

I'm not a fan of the now-ubiquitous Kraken, I find it too artificially sweet tasting for my liking and will only order it when out it if the only alternative is Sailor Jerry.

If looking for something that won't break the bank and is easy to obtain, Bacardi Oakheart or Havana 7 year-old would be my recommendations - they've always gone down well when given as gifts.


4,073 posts

77 months

Thursday 18th July 2024
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yellowbentines said:
blue_haddock said:
people rave about bumbu but i found it too sweet and toffee flavoured to be palatable.
It does have a very 'caramelly' taste which I love and my wife hates so maybe one that easily splits opinion.

I'm not a fan of the now-ubiquitous Kraken, I find it too artificially sweet tasting for my liking and will only order it when out it if the only alternative is Sailor Jerry.

If looking for something that won't break the bank and is easy to obtain, Bacardi Oakheart or Havana 7 year-old would be my recommendations - they've always gone down well when given as gifts.
We seem to have differing tastes as sailor jerry is one of the favourites!

I've actually got about 20 bottles of rum as i buy a few each time we go to Andorra where its stupidly cheap, i buy more than i drink!

I get quite a few from mauritius and madagascar as they are often very vanilla heavy which i love. My absolute favourite is from Chamarel Distillery



5,592 posts

217 months

Thursday 18th July 2024
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blue_haddock said:
We seem to have differing tastes as sailor jerry is one of the favourites!

I've actually got about 20 bottles of rum as i buy a few each time we go to Andorra where its stupidly cheap, i buy more than i drink!

I get quite a few from mauritius and madagascar as they are often very vanilla heavy which i love. My absolute favourite is from Chamarel Distillery

Hmm, I'm a fan of vanilla flavours so will need to give that a try.

I tend to try 'nicer' (more expensive) rums when out drinking, then I forget what I've tried, what I like and what I don't like!


4,073 posts

77 months

Thursday 18th July 2024
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yellowbentines said:
blue_haddock said:
We seem to have differing tastes as sailor jerry is one of the favourites!

I've actually got about 20 bottles of rum as i buy a few each time we go to Andorra where its stupidly cheap, i buy more than i drink!

I get quite a few from mauritius and madagascar as they are often very vanilla heavy which i love. My absolute favourite is from Chamarel Distillery

Hmm, I'm a fan of vanilla flavours so will need to give that a try.

I tend to try 'nicer' (more expensive) rums when out drinking, then I forget what I've tried, what I like and what I don't like!
I had a brilliant vanilla spiced rum from Andorra, it had a whole vanilla pod in the bottle which when i finished the bottle used the pod in a rum and raisen cheescake which was lush!

Cant remember the name but know what it looked like so will get another when i go back.


400 posts

160 months

Thursday 18th July 2024
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My two favourites are:

Dark Matter

Old J Tiki Fire (but it's a strong one!)