How Much Would You Pay for a Bottle of Beer?

How Much Would You Pay for a Bottle of Beer?


Al Gorithum

Original Poster:

4,307 posts

218 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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Received an email from Fullers regarding one of the vintage ales, at only £100 fora 500ml bottle

Now I like Fullers, especially the ESB mixed with Golden Pride, but I wouldn't pay £!00 for a bottle of beer. Not sure what my limit would be but probably a tenner. How about you?


5,820 posts

192 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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Is this the beer equivalent of the £100k* mk1 Escort?
The vintage ales are very nice but it's a no from me. Waitrose have often stocked the latest year at Christmas and then discounted after. Bought a few that way!

Back to the how much perhaps this:

I've a bottle or two maturing for special occasions. It is chuffing scrummy! And for a wine size (and nearly strength) bottle not as expensive as it appears /manmaths


BoRED S2upid

20,419 posts

250 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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I’m with you a tenner. I couldn’t tell the difference to be honest. Then again I can’t really tell the difference when wine gets expensive you get over £15 a bottle and it all tastes good.


1,860 posts

21 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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BoRED S2upid said:
I’m with you a tenner. I couldn’t tell the difference to be honest. Then again I can’t really tell the difference when wine gets expensive you get over £15 a bottle and it all tastes good.
a beer is never worth that, not if you want to drink it.
My dad was a wine collector, and while i agree that alot of expensive wines arent worth the price, he did have some good ones, up to £50 for wine for a special event would be ok, what they charge in restaurants is mad. but some of the ones he had were thousands, and to me i couldnt really tell the difference between a £50 bottle and a £1000 bottle, maybe im a ludite.
He did make alot of money out of his hobbie tho.

sean ie3

2,483 posts

146 months

Thursday 27th June 2024
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There is a SuperBock Munich Dunkle 1927 I'm looking at dropping a fiver on, might have a couple. smile