FFS Stop putting garlic in my food!

FFS Stop putting garlic in my food!



Original Poster:

34,275 posts

256 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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My wife and I both detest garlic, but we have no objection to other people having as much of it as they want, as long as they don't come within a few feet of us.

But it's got to the point where we can more or less assume that any savoury prepared food is going to be honking of the stuff. I picked up a packet of breaded fish in a supermarket today and I could smell it through the wrapping.

Anybody else not like the stuff or is it just us?


6,465 posts

33 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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I love the stuff, I put it in pretty much everything. Wild garlic, fresh cloves, paste, smoked, black, powered, garlic salt, oh yes.

The Rotrex Kid

32,106 posts

170 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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Sorry OP, bloody love the stuff. Have it fresh, powdered, paste all on standby to mix into everything hehe

Steve H

5,960 posts

205 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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It’s not just you. TBH I don’t really object to it but certainly don’t bother using it myself or feel that it adds anything good to a meal when it is there.


26,882 posts

190 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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I love garlic but respect that others may not. Regardless, I think you being able to smell it through the packaging of fish makes you akin to a police tracker dog.


3,244 posts

172 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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Do you also have an aversion to crucifixes and daylight?

Careful when you order your stake...


12,047 posts

216 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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I love a bit of garlic and it’s supposed to be very good for you.


39,710 posts

208 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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You sound a bit odd.


13,061 posts

177 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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It's just you. No such thing as too much garlic. The recipe calls for two cloves? Have 4 just to be on the safe side.


77,839 posts

292 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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Garlic and onion. If I'm in the mood, fine, but I'm often not in the mood and it seems like a lazy way of making something taste more interesting.


26,250 posts

268 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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Rumblestripe said:
Do you also have an aversion to crucifixes and daylight?

Careful when you order your stake...
And take a look in the mirror and let us know hehe


Original Poster:

34,275 posts

256 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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CharlesdeGaulle said:
I love garlic but respect that others may not. Regardless, I think you being able to smell it through the packaging of fish makes you akin to a police tracker dog.
My sense of smell is by and large quite poor.

sean ie3

2,483 posts

146 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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Roasted some wet garlic today, lovely.


732 posts

9 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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Garlic is the food of the gods.


5,182 posts

222 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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singlecoil said:
My wife and I both detest garlic, but we have no objection to other people having as much of it as they want, as long as they don't come within a few feet of us.

But it's got to the point where we can more or less assume that any savoury prepared food is going to be honking of the stuff. I picked up a packet of breaded fish in a supermarket today and I could smell it through the wrapping.

Anybody else not like the stuff or is it just us?

I didn’t try it until I left home due to meat and two veg parents. Making up for lost years of garlic and chilli as an adult though!


29,377 posts

183 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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I eat wild garlic sandwiches on occasion.

It's not unknown for me to go into the office and get told off the moment I walk through the door for having eaten too much garlic the previous evening, even though that isn't actually possible.


11,079 posts

191 months

Sunday 23rd June 2024
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garlic is a base aromatic for almost all foods. OP in the minority here.

love garlic. If I'm following any recipe online that calls for garlic I will at very least double the amoung as it's never enough.

If i'm making a curry ill use fine/frozen garlic for cooking, then chuck in a bunch of freshly rougly chopped garlic in the last 5min. sometimes even leaving a whole or half a bulb. love chomping on a chunk of it.

Stick Legs

6,418 posts

175 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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OP is not on his own, garlic gives me the most tremendous heartburn and it is becoming far more prevalent in things that are normally not expected to be garlicky.


63 posts

58 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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Don't buy packets of egg fried rice from the supermarkets as they all have a strong garlic taste to them. Why they put garlic in efr i can't imagine, they never do at the chinese, at least not round here.

Wacky Racer

39,260 posts

257 months

Monday 24th June 2024
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I don't mind it.

Many years ago, we went on a coach tour of the Isle of Wight, and passed a garlic field about a mile away, it stunk the coach out.