"Drunken Steak"



Original Poster:

64 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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2,021 posts

10 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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Looks good, but your first choice of steak should be bavette, try it if you haven't before.


331 posts

19 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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If you want decent steak I’d suggest not buying it from a supermarket, particularly not a budget one.

And, rather than smoke the house out, why not barbecue it?


2,992 posts

92 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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Don’t use the extra virgin for cooking, go for a higher smoke point oil.

Other than that, looks pretty much how I cook my steaks. Can’t beat a smoking griddle.


4,763 posts

144 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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Well done for trying Op. One day you might actually cook it too

Nah, only kidding. I do like mine more towards medium but I like your style - none of the fear and faffing, just bloody get on with cooking it!


5,238 posts

230 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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"5) Get your sharpest knife, and sharpen it. You will need it."


Also need to add:
4.9) pre dial the first two 9s on your mobile phone


23,498 posts

150 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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Steak looks good OP, the griddle thing, I know cooking a steak on a cast iron griddle is a great way to cook a steak but it is a monumental faff to clean up afterwards, along with stinking the house out too, I just don't think it's worth the hassle.


2,280 posts

207 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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Brilliant!! Flambé with a massive brandy then pour over double cream


13,739 posts

181 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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HTP99 said:
Steak looks good OP, the griddle thing, I know cooking a steak on a cast iron griddle is a great way to cook a steak but it is a monumental faff to clean up afterwards, along with stinking the house out too, I just don't think it's worth the hassle.
I got bought one for Christmas and yeh its a faff.


4,808 posts

142 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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As OP, but with a normal frying pan. 2:30 on both sides, timed on my phone. (M-R) Fantastic.

Usually it's the pepper that smokes the house out.

I like mine in Ciabatta, with ketchup, and onions, and sometimes mustard.


2,021 posts

10 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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HTP99 said:
Steak looks good OP, the griddle thing, I know cooking a steak on a cast iron griddle is a great way to cook a steak but it is a monumental faff to clean up afterwards, along with stinking the house out too, I just don't think it's worth the hassle.
I use a cast iron griddle to cook steak, I put the extractor on full wack and open the back door, you get a bit of a smell in the kitchen but it not bad.

After once the pan has cooled I give the pan a quick wipe and bung it in the cupboard.