Wine tasting events, London, south east

Wine tasting events, London, south east



Original Poster:

1,018 posts

185 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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Does anyone know or can recommend a wine tasting event/ restaurant/ bar in the London and south east area?

This is just something we would like to do with friends and not a corporate event. Also nothing too toppy, just casual and fun.




7,865 posts

168 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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Your best bet is to either:

1) Join The Wine Society - they organise various informal tastings around the country. As an organisation they are nowhere near as stuffy as the name might suggest.
2) Speak to your local independent wine merchant. Most of these will organise relatively informal tastings on an ongoing effort to introduce customers to their products.

I have friends who like wine, but certainly aren't wine geeks, who enjoy both of these.


3,776 posts

92 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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LooneyTunes said:
Your best bet is to either:

1) Join The Wine Society - they organise various informal tastings around the country. As an organisation they are nowhere near as stuffy as the name might suggest.
2) Speak to your local independent wine merchant. Most of these will organise relatively informal tastings on an ongoing effort to introduce customers to their products.

I have friends who like wine, but certainly aren't wine geeks, who enjoy both of these.
Agree with number 2, we go to various events at Richmond Wine Society which range from events at a local pub to an outing to a local vinyard - we're off to Angel Vinyaed in Berkshire next month.


17,963 posts

175 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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Hampshire and West Sussex have some great vineyards producing some great wine and sparkling wine. Worth a trip out

I’ve also heard good things of this tour starting at Winchester station

Mobile Chicane

21,394 posts

222 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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It's English Wine Week 15 - 23 June: