Lettuce Hack!



Original Poster:

26,255 posts

268 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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Just thought I'd share................


Far Cough

2,348 posts

178 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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Back in the late 80`s I was taught that method when working. The only difference would be to bang it straight down on the chopping board rather than punch it !!!!


12,086 posts

219 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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Usual internet crap im afraid. First off, iceberg only has two places, shredded in either a burger or bottom of a Berni Inn prawn cocktail. And secondly, dont fking smack a head of salad. Do you kick other ingredients around the kitchen?


Original Poster:

26,255 posts

268 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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21TonyK said:
Usual internet crap im afraid. First off, iceberg only has two places, shredded in either a burger or bottom of a Berni Inn prawn cocktail. And secondly, dont fking smack a head of salad. Do you kick other ingredients around the kitchen?
Spoilsport tongue out

I do remember having to play keepy uppy with a dropped chicken once hehe


12,086 posts

219 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
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dickymint said:
21TonyK said:
Usual internet crap im afraid. First off, iceberg only has two places, shredded in either a burger or bottom of a Berni Inn prawn cocktail. And secondly, dont fking smack a head of salad. Do you kick other ingredients around the kitchen?
Spoilsport tongue out

I do remember having to play keepy uppy with a dropped chicken once hehe
LOL... one of those days wink


14,841 posts

148 months

Saturday 15th June 2024
quotequote all
21TonyK said:
Usual internet crap im afraid. First off, iceberg only has two places, shredded in either a burger or bottom of a Berni Inn prawn cocktail. And secondly, dont fking smack a head of salad. Do you kick other ingredients around the kitchen?
3. In the bin :-)