I’ve just found a slug in my bag of spinach

I’ve just found a slug in my bag of spinach


Unexpected Item In The Bagging Area

Original Poster:

7,190 posts

199 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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It (the spinach, not the slug) was part of a Gousto dish. I guess my username checks out.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever found in your food in whatever setting?

Oh, and always wash your veg, kids.


8,977 posts

292 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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Unexpected Item In The Bagging Area said:
It (the spinach, not the slug) was part of a Gousto dish. I guess my username checks out.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever found in your food in whatever setting?

Oh, and always wash your veg, kids.
I bought some cereal only to open up the cardboard box and the plastic bag to be full of moths/buzzy things.


54,890 posts

265 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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What's worse than finding a maggot in your apple?

Finding half a maggot! eek


Sheets Tabuer

19,816 posts

225 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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You know what's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half a worm.

I once found a cockroach under the chips when I bought kebab meat and chips, obviously I had to eat the kebab meat and most of the chips before I made this discovery.

eta beaten to is dammit.


6,466 posts

33 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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I once found the finger of a rubber glove within the meat of a whole sea bream (farmed). I can only assume it was a bit from a fish farmers glove that had been dropped in then gobbled up. I do hope it didn't contain the finger. It really did put me off eating the rest off it once I'd found it.


3,902 posts

162 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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Some sort of larvae was in a large Jalapeño I bit into once, which was unpleasant.

I went camping in Brecon with my dad when I was about 7, and woke up early morning feeling very hungry. I reached for my sandwiches I'd started on before falling asleep and scoffed a couple down, noting a strange flavour. Before eating the next one, i could see in the dim light that the remaining ones were all crawling with ants. I looked down in the sleeping bag and realised they were all over me too. I Immediately started crying and making a fuss which woke my dad up, who cursed himself for not buying a new tent with an attached ground sheet.

Edited by Pebbles167 on Thursday 23 May 18:12


6,815 posts

31 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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Had spiders in bananas, wasp in a salad and a piece of glass in cereal

I stopped eating at my in-laws.


8,741 posts

202 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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I once found a batterd mouse in my bag of chips.


1,916 posts

44 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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I was once butchering a whole chicken down into portions and found a huge tumor in the breast that was pretty gross.

I came to the end of eating a salad at a hotel restaurant and noticed two maggots on the plate...


22,055 posts

130 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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Live wasp in a tin of coke. Took a gulp, swirled it around my mouth, felt something in my mouth that shouldn't be there and spat it out. Didn't get stung!


16,000 posts

224 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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stuartmmcfc said:
I once found a batterd mouse in my bag of chips.
You're just taking the mickey...


6,815 posts

31 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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stuartmmcfc said:
I once found a batterd mouse in my bag of chips.
Teach him to gamble


5,182 posts

222 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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A miscellaneous ’part’ in a BK chicken royale about 20 years ago. A thick round tube like a rubber piece of rigatoni flapped around after being to tough to bite through. Obviously some part of the digestive system hurl I’ve not eaten one since.

Unexpected Item In The Bagging Area

Original Poster:

7,190 posts

199 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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stuartmmcfc said:
I once found a batterd mouse in my bag of chips.
That’s a particularly grim one

Years ago I was eating dinner with the other guests at a safari lodge in Botswana. It was at a time of year when vast numbers of dung beetles would buzz about for some reason, maybe looking for a mate, and the lodge’s eating area had a roof but no walls.

The beetles kept flying around our heads and food, and one of the guests took a sip of her red wine to find that one had landed in it and ended up half in her mouth before she realised what had happened. Said beetle was the best part of an inch long, so really not something you want to have anywhere near your mouth.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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I found some weird 'grubs' in a storage jar where I keep dried chillies. They'd spun themselves into little cocoons.

I guess caterpillars that had stowed away. I yeeted the lot.


4,869 posts

139 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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simon_harris said:
I was once butchering a whole chicken down into portions and found a huge tumor in the breast that was pretty gross.

I came to the end of eating a salad at a hotel restaurant and noticed two maggots on the plate...
I once roasted a leg of lamb and as I started cutting into it discovered a large abcess that leaked green pus onto the chopping board.

Not exactly appetising.


13,095 posts

178 months

Friday 24th May 2024
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Was the bag labelled as 'unsuitable for vegetarians'?


24,222 posts

240 months

Friday 24th May 2024
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Went to make a coffee in the room of a 5 star hotel.

Grabbed a mug from the desk and poured the coffee in.

Took a slurp and spat out something hard. It was the nastiest looking big toe nail clipping I had ever seen.

I check every cup/mug/glass very carefully whenever I stay in a hotel now.

Jordie Barretts sock

6,018 posts

29 months

Friday 24th May 2024
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Stayed in a hotel in the New Forest years ago. Full English breakfast with a freshly fried bluebottle in my fried egg.

Cockroach in my Chicken Fried Rice from the takeaway.

And years ago working in an office when you were permitted to smoke. No ashtray so a half drunk Coke can was pressed into action. Two of us puffing away all day chucking the ash and ends in. A chap comes in and says "who's Coke is this?" Picks it up to the rest of us "no mate! No...." Too late, huge swig. He went very green.


29,583 posts

252 months

Friday 24th May 2024
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croyde said:
Went to make a coffee in the room of a 5 star hotel.

Grabbed a mug from the desk and poured the coffee in.

Took a slurp and spat out something hard. It was the nastiest looking big toe nail clipping I had ever seen.

I check every cup/mug/glass very carefully whenever I stay in a hotel now.
I feel sick if I see dog hair in food or a fly buzzing around, if that had happened to me I may have never recovered.