'No Churn' Ice Cream Recipes



Original Poster:

2,976 posts

262 months

Sunday 19th May 2024
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I've faffed about with one of those freeze containers with a paddle and been disappointed. I can't justify house room to a proper ice cream maker. I've had a bit of success with Italian meringue based ice cream and bavarois but they are faffy. Making custard with eggs is OK if you want to make custard but as the starting point of a recipe it's a ball ache.

Saw this recipe in the Guardian

OMFG it's good.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Monday 20th May 2024
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This has been my secret weapon for a while now.

The basic recipe is 500ml double cream and a 397g can of sweetened condensed milk.

Add to that.

I've had the best results from the various double cream substitutes as opposed to actual cream itself. It's smoother and easier to scoop.


Original Poster:

2,976 posts

262 months

Monday 20th May 2024
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Mobile Chicane said:
I've had the best results from the various double cream substitutes as opposed to actual cream itself. It's smoother and easier to scoop.
Oh do tell ears

I used 200ml carnation to 600ml cream and it was definitely sweet enough with nearly a jar of marmalade in it. I guess more condensed milk is required when the other flavourings are not sweetened. I could taste the condensed milk so would definitely want to keep it to a minimum.


23,746 posts

211 months

Monday 20th May 2024
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also been using this method for years, i think the first time having been pointed towards it from here. currently trying to crack a recipe for karak chai flavour.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Monday 20th May 2024
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oddman said:
Mobile Chicane said:
I've had the best results from the various double cream substitutes as opposed to actual cream itself. It's smoother and easier to scoop.
Oh do tell ears
It's this stuff:

From catering suppliers. Places like Costco / B&M may also sell.

It does not work in place of dairy cream for any other purpose, but works well in this recipe.


Original Poster:

2,976 posts

262 months

Tuesday 21st May 2024
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Mobile Chicane said:
It's this stuff:

From catering suppliers. Places like Costco / B&M may also sell.

It does not work in place of dairy cream for any other purpose, but works well in this recipe.
Thanks will check it out