Sorted Food


Discendo Discimus

Original Poster:

593 posts

42 months

Wednesday 24th April 2024
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Seeing as there's a lot of us on here who take pride in our cooking and like to learn new recipes and techniques, I thought I'd share a Youtube channel that I really enjoy watching and that's helped me improve my cooking massively.

There's 2 trained chefs and 3 "normals" (people like you and I who have no formal training but enjoy cooking). They explore cooking techniques, cheffy hacks, do lots of travel to showcase dishes from around the world.
The normals tend to have more fun with cooking battles that are judged by the chefs, poker face challenges (eating incredibly hot / sour/ bitter food whilst keeping a straight face) and they're generally easy to watch, nice lads.

Anyway, thought it might provide some entertainment to us foodies, I'm not affiliated in anyway I just love their content and have been watching for close to 8 years.


2,917 posts

66 months

Wednesday 24th April 2024
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great channel

I was introduced to it last year and there is so much on there.

I particularly like the unusual food they try - which reminds me, I must get some Gochujang


3,611 posts

139 months

Saturday 27th April 2024
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Thank you, enjoyed it. I also like “Uncle Roger” calls out celeb chef’s, on their gentlemen’s cow manure, I believe in comedy circles it’s called ‘a roasting.’

Uncle Roger, does seem somewhat repetitive, until you watch “Gordon Ramsey’s Toasted Cheese Sandwich” and the “GCM” is for all to see.


11,079 posts

191 months

Saturday 27th April 2024
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sorted have been around for a long time, since around 2009. Been watching them since then. Great guys who are all friends. I'm of the same age to them so it kind of feels like I'm just watching chums talk about food.
One of them used to even post on here but hasn't done for years. Their videos used to be recipes, but have obviously expanded as they've grown. Just look at their earliest videos, they like to do comparisons of how things have change over the years (on their socials fb/ig etc). People have come and gone..and returned. They've quite a following tbh.

daqinggregg said:
Thank you, enjoyed it. I also like “Uncle Roger” calls out celeb chef’s, on their gentlemen’s cow manure, I believe in comedy circles it’s called ‘a roasting.’

Uncle Roger, does seem somewhat repetitive, until you watch “Gordon Ramsey’s Toasted Cheese Sandwich” and the “GCM” is for all to see.
that got tired very quickly for me because it's just a comedian milking a meme for all they can (rightfully so, i don't blame him).

gordon's cheese toasty has been slated by tons of people on the internet. Another example of someone who;s just now a celebrity chef and not a professional/knowledgeable/technical chef. he only really got popular because h