Liquid lunches



Original Poster:

3,559 posts

119 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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I’m getting over an illness where every meal seems to knock me out, like all of my resources go to digesting it and everything else shuts down. So I want to try a liquid diet for at least a day to give my digestion a bit of a rest.

Most liquid things I can think of are either very low calorie (most soups) or full of sugar (most drinks), neither of which are ideal.

Anyone ever done this, by doctors orders or not, and what did you drink/eat?

Sheets Tabuer

19,817 posts

225 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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Chicken noodle soup, always my go to when I'm ill


1,328 posts

181 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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Stews and smoothies get me through. Homemade so you know what the heck is in it (sugar / salt content to suit your taste etc).

BoRED S2upid

20,419 posts

250 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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8,810 posts

292 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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3,896 posts

137 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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12,086 posts

219 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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For a day or so complan is the easiest option. Pick them up in any chemist.


14,028 posts

225 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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Scrambled Egg or omelette would be easy to digest.

Decent homemade soup put through a blender will be better than a can of soup. You can make it as thick as you want.


12,086 posts

219 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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For a day or so complan is the easiest option. Pick them up in any chemist.


5,899 posts

130 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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steep the oats the night before in half milk half water add a bit of sugar and tiny amount of salt .

Add some stewed fruit, jam or whatever else you want to it.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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Heinz oxtail soup is my go to if I can't manage anything else.


Original Poster:

3,559 posts

119 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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Thanks for all this, yeah I remember randomly buying Complan a while ago just to see what it was like, maybe a bit sweet but it's available locally if I need to pick up something tomorrow.

Even stuff like porridge or eggs is feeling heavy on the stomach at the moment, but packet chicken noodle soup or homemade sweet potato soup would hit the spot if it was diluted enough, basically more of a broth. Probably some banana smoothies with oatmilk too, trying to avoid dairy for a couple of days.

Ideally I'd just fast for a bit but I need the calories just now. The number of naps I've had in the last few days, they would be amazing if I didn't feel so crap!


12,086 posts

219 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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The problem is that many liquid diets are not designed to be swallowed. Their delivery method bypasses your tastebuds so it's more about calories and protein than flavour.

Meal substitutes are at least designed to be palatable and for a day or two survivable.


33,578 posts

186 months

Sunday 21st April 2024
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Home made soup, simply blend it?

I’ve started cooking lentils with some dried Indian spices (including extra fresh chilli, garlic and onions). Add stock of your choice, tinned chopped tomatoes and very nearly there. Used to throw in chickpeas too.