Circulon Pans - Good news story

Circulon Pans - Good news story



Original Poster:

3,293 posts

13 months

Tuesday 9th April 2024
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I've had a set of Circulon pans for years, given as a gift. A couple of weeks ago I noticed oil getting onto the metal pan supports of the gas hob. These pans have been hammered and the skillet in question had layers of 'patina' on the outside that I presumed was weeping.

Anyway, after getting worse, it turns out the pan was leaking through the joint between the pan and solid base. Not a great idea onto a gas hob when it's oil leaking out!

Fair play to Circulon. Sent them a message via their support with the pics and they offered to replace it (£70 worth).

I know this reads like a crap advert, but sometimes companies surprise with good customer service and they deserve some recognition on this one.