Surviving on the food in your kitchen cupboards...

Surviving on the food in your kitchen cupboards...


The Gauge

Original Poster:

3,769 posts

23 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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The zombie attack has begun, anyone you live with is dead, you're on your own. You've barricaded yourself in your house and daren't go out, in any case the shops are empty through looting. Normality will resume one day but you don't know when..

So how long can you survive just on the food that is in your kitchen cupboards/fridge/freezer without going hungry?

Me? With the food that's at the back of our cupboards that hasn't been seen in over a year, and the chest freezer in the garage who's bottom hasn't been bare since the day we bought it - I'd say 2 months.

Some Gump

12,908 posts

196 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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Depends.. Is there running water? Power?

..Because if not, a drawer full of various flour, pasta, rice, dry lentils etc becomes a bit less useful!

If the induction hob still works, and the freezer still freezes, I reckon at least a couple of months (probably more) and that's without going on a pure rations rice type diet. Quick peek in the freezer - we've got 4 chickens, a shelf of meat, and at least 1.5x that as frozen but already made stuff.

Ironically, I think I'd run out of rice / pasta / accoutrements first, but the vast quantity of various flour (sadly then mixed with water because the milk would be dead in 10 days) would presumably make some sort of semi edible "not bread". Hell, if it got really, terribly horribly drastic, I could even eat the pate.


12,086 posts

219 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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We normally shop every other day for meat and fresh veg but one person could survive at least 2 months albeit a bit protein deficient by the end. Just found "another" 15k sack of flour in the spare room I'd forgotten about!


18,636 posts

210 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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About two weeks on my leftover portions in the freezer and another week on food I have in fresh

The Gauge

Original Poster:

3,769 posts

23 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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craigjm said:
About two weeks on my leftover portions in the freezer and another week on food I have in fresh
Top tip - eat the fresh first biggrin


12,526 posts

129 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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Hmm, I've got plenty of soft drinks, a few kilos of protein powder, a big stash of protein bars, some bottled water, fresh and frozen meat and veg. Even got a camping stove and fuel for it if the power went out.

I think I could manage several weeks if I needed to, as long as I had water, and if necessary I have rain barrels to collect that.

Sheets Tabuer

19,817 posts

225 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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25 packs of hot noodles, some tinned prunes and 15 bottles of Lagavulin, oh and I have a pellet gun.

I'm gonna be fine.


388 posts

73 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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crank up the gas BBQ and go through the freezer, then pizzas in the pizza oven left overs and then Currys using sauces in larder plenty of frozen chicken breasts,tins of toms, pasta sauces. Spice packets could last months. Think the wife's prepping


18,636 posts

210 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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The Gauge said:
craigjm said:
About two weeks on my leftover portions in the freezer and another week on food I have in fresh
Top tip - eat the fresh first biggrin
Haha yeah hehe


21,614 posts

282 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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My wife has a stash of tinned chickpeas and lentils. So I'll be volunteering for Team Zombie on day one.


2,568 posts

91 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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If you eat a zombie, do you become one?


24,222 posts

240 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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Funny, I did this yesterday.

Just use what I have left in the flat, not much but doable.

But I went out for wine, they were doing Pringles and Chocolate on a deal too.

I'll start the Prepper diet tomorrow.


2,814 posts

212 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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I dunno, but one thing’s for sure, there wouldn’t be many fat people left for long.

Stanley Rous

96 posts

219 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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Unfortunately we’ve got two shelves of frozen dog food I’d have to tuck into! It’s too posh for the pampered pooch but wouldn’t have me looking forwards to dinner time!


1,772 posts

19 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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we would be fine for food for a while, not too sure about gin supplies though!

Riley Blue

21,881 posts

236 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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ferret50 said:
we would be fine for food for a while, not too sure about gin supplies though!
I was wondering how many weeks supply of medication I have...


1,916 posts

44 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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Depends are deliveroo still delivering? I am not convinced they aren't already Zombies!


2,206 posts

171 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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If I have access to the garage and booze can be included - 3 months.


9,941 posts

188 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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Sheets Tabuer said:
25 packs of hot noodles, some tinned prunes and 15 bottles of Lagavulin, oh and I have a pellet gun.

I'm gonna be fine.
Blimey, you're sitting on a goldmine with those bottles! Sell me one?


1,291 posts

179 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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I'll be fine, we seem to have 40 types of different pasta shapes (because they taste different), 30 cans of tuna, 20 cans of baked beans / hoops (All Heinz because my daughter can tell if they aren't), 15 cans of soup and an array of pickles.

See you in 2040!