Indian cookery courses



Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Monday 25th March 2024
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Been looking at online Indian cookery courses. There’s so many…. Any of you foodies out there completed one you can recommend ?

TIA Richard

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Tuesday 26th March 2024
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I've sort of learnt as I've gone along. From being babysat by neighbours in childhood, to putting the thumbscrews on various colleagues later on.

Over the years I have come to appreciate that Indian cooking is improvised and intuitive: no other instruction than 'until it looks right'.

Perhaps the best advice is to 'marry in'.


1,090 posts

82 months

Tuesday 26th March 2024
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Not done it, but have wanted to do this course for a while, just a bit far away unless part of a trip