Out of Date Sweets


Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,006 posts

84 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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Found a box of sweets in a cupboard that are a year out of date, but wonder how can sweets be out of date got 1pk of Mint Selection, a couple of Fox's Mints and six packs of Werthers Original, there is also two bottles of Salade Cream, I remember buying the salade cream (I know that can't bew eaten) but things happened and i forgot about them, but where the sweets come from ???


2,729 posts

107 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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Oliver Hardy said:
Found a box of sweets in a cupboard that are a year out of date, but wonder how can sweets be out of date got 1pk of Mint Selection, a couple of Fox's Mints and six packs of Werthers Original, there is also two bottles of Salade Cream, I remember buying the salade cream (I know that can't bew eaten) but things happened and i forgot about them, but where the sweets come from ???
Boiled sweets will be ‘best before’ rather than ’use by’.

They are hygroscopic, so will absorb moisture over time and go sticky on the outside. The sweet will eventually crystallise and go fudge-like and taste stale.

That process will take between 1-3 years from manufacture depending on external conditions.

The high sugar / low moisture content means it will resist micro growth and should still be safe to eat for many years. Will probably taste rank after 2-3 years though.


14,028 posts

225 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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If the werthers seem a bit soft. Tip them into a pan and they will melt down into a lovely caramel sauce if you add a spot of milk or cream.

Mints will be find to eat.


33,578 posts

186 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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I got a box of Nestle Quality Street (not out of date) from the Christmas work raffle (yes, really). No desire to eat them.


4,602 posts

92 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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But where did they come from?!?


19,898 posts

205 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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Oliver Hardy said:
, there is also two bottles of Salade Cream, I remember buying the salade cream (I know that can't bew eaten) but things happened and i forgot about them, but where the sweets come from ???
Ooh la la is that a posh version or summink

Short Grain

3,128 posts

230 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Oliver Hardy said:
Found a box of sweets in a cupboard that are a year out of date, but wonder how can sweets be out of date got 1pk of Mint Selection, a couple of Fox's Mints and six packs of Werthers Original, there is also two bottles of Salade Cream, I remember buying the salade cream (I know that can't bew eaten) but things happened and i forgot about them, but where the sweets come from ???
Is this a posh M&S version, is that why you remember buying it? wink


1,072 posts

116 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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I once ate an Easter Egg a couple of weeks after Easter and I'm OK.

Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,006 posts

84 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Have I misspelt salade!!! Dam it, I keep meaning not to use Firefox as the spelt checker does not work, but use it for YouTube and I keep forgetting to switch.

sherman said:
If the werthers seem a bit soft. Tip them into a pan and they will melt down into a lovely caramel sauce if you add a spot of milk or cream.
Sounds great, thanks.

soad said:
I got a box of Nestle Quality Street (not out of date) from the Christmas work raffle (yes, really). No desire to eat them.
So have I, but I will have them eventually.

If you don't want them give them away, don't waiste it.

Sorry if there are mistakes in my spelling!


2,993 posts

92 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Unlikely to find out on here where your sweets are from.


52,961 posts

165 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Badda said:
Unlikely to find out on here where your sweets are from.
I can help narrow it down. I didn't give them or sell them to the OP. Nor did my wife. So thats part of the population excluded.

Riley Blue

21,881 posts

236 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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"...six packs of Werthers Original..."



4,074 posts

77 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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sherman said:
If the werthers seem a bit soft. Tip them into a pan and they will melt down into a lovely caramel sauce if you add a spot of milk or cream.
Or dissolve them in a bottle of rum for a home made butterscotch liquer


4,602 posts

92 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Badda said:
Unlikely to find out on here where your sweets are from.

I put them there

Oliver Hardy

Original Poster:

3,006 posts

84 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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theplayingmantis said:
Badda said:
Unlikely to find out on here where your sweets are from.

I put them there
That is very kind of you, but why did you not let me know?


4,602 posts

92 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Thought it would be a nice surprise after you enjoyed your salade.

Shan't bother in future.


5,116 posts

205 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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I bought a really expensive rose and violet cream Easter egg, from the company that is notorious for that flavour combo, from John Lewis after Easter. I got if for my mums and was going to keep it for her birthday (she is northern so appreciates thrift) then forgot all about it. Roll forward 2.5 years I find it… the chocolate egg was absolutely fine, the soft sweets were a bit hard and tasted a bit dusty but were fine!

Arnold Cunningham

3,990 posts

263 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Not quite on topic, but I am currently buying the last remaining stocks of Caramac - relevant only because I can see the best before date is starting to be a bit shorter on them.


2,729 posts

107 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Arnold Cunningham said:
Not quite on topic, but I am currently buying the last remaining stocks of Caramac - relevant only because I can see the best before date is starting to be a bit shorter on them.
Freezing chocolate is a great way of extending shelf life smile


4,602 posts

92 months

Tuesday 12th March 2024
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Where you getting the caramac, online? Not seen it in shops since the news. I find caramilk indistinguishable other than thickness.

Dont do what I did with the last ricicles, did an op - forgot about them. Had all gone a bit hard and yet non crispy.

Edited by theplayingmantis on Tuesday 12th March 21:04