Supermarket cola question



Original Poster:

6,738 posts

173 months

Saturday 9th March 2024
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I don’t drink tea or coffee (never liked the taste, but love the smell), but do get through about 2L of cola a day. I actually prefer the supermarket own brand ones to the ‘big 2’, and they are a lot cheaper. However, none seem to do a caffeine free version unlike the big 2 (want to get rid of caffeine for reasons that are, erm, various).

Any ideas?


23,746 posts

211 months

Saturday 9th March 2024
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Pretty sure you know the health effects of drinking 2l a day of fizzy drink, even if it’s sweetener.

Tesco do caffeine free. Amazon prob has other options


9,245 posts

260 months

Saturday 9th March 2024
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Simple solution is to buy a Soda Stream and use one of their caffeine free colas, and buy your gas from CO2 You.


474 posts

36 months

Saturday 9th March 2024
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One of the best things I ever did was cut my intake of full fat coke down from multiple cans a day to one every few weeks at most. It was all coincidental as a former work colleague brought a bottle of Vimto squash into work and I found it far more refreshing. I haven't looked back since, though I now just drink cold water alongside tea most days.

I felt so much better after a few weeks and lost some weight too! biggrin Although the extra peeing wasn't helpful.

Anyway, despite that I'm not one to lecture. I think you'd be best off with a soda stream if you're swerving the big 2.



Original Poster:

6,738 posts

173 months

Sunday 10th March 2024
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Thanks for the soda stream tip, had forgotten about them.

‘Thanks’ also to emailaddress for his/her comment. There are worse sins.