Home meat slicer? Experiences / recommendaions

Home meat slicer? Experiences / recommendaions



Original Poster:

166 posts

63 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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My dad is the worts most fuddy, annoy and pedeantic peropn you'll ever meet..

HE ha to cut the Sunday roast, but he's 94 and can hardle standup, let alone carve the sundayroast effectively. It's even worse on Monday with the leftovers.

So havd a quick google and sen some home meat slicers, tried the ~Which website but there was not reviews I could see.

Dad has more fale teeth than actuall teeth, so the monday slices ned to be literally waifer thin, or as close as - can somebody recommend soemthing that slices the left over 'lump' of sundday roast (mostly gammon, beef, pork, lamb) tinto consistent paper thin slices.?

Or a close to as can get?



18,636 posts

210 months


14,028 posts

225 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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At 94 I would not recomend a meat slicer at all.
A meat slicer will end up with a hospital visit.

Buy some steak knives and just be grateful of the time you have left.


4,763 posts

144 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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We’ve a couple of knives that come with a serrano ham. They have a kind of safety guide along them so they are a bit like a long-bladed mandolin. Can’t really get much more wafer thin than that!

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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sherman said:
At 94 I would not recomend a meat slicer at all.
A meat slicer will end up with a hospital visit.

Buy some steak knives and just be grateful of the time you have left.

Boggo pastry knife for the carving, and even then be careful with it.



Original Poster:

166 posts

63 months

Thursday 7th March 2024
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Thanks for replies and advice.

Forgot to mention it'd probably only be myself who'd be using it as I do most of the cooking for him and mum.

Unfortunately dad is one of those people who get more stubborn the more you tell them they can't do something. He's also pretty bad at accepting or understanding what he does doesn't help, makes things worse or is the problem.

For years he had "his" knife for bread, which is blunt as anything and has been for quite a while. His solution is to squeeze the bread to half it's size and cut it. By the time the loaf is halfway through the edge is getting quite an angle on it, the last 1/4 of the loaf is basically useless as it's now at an almost 45 degree angle.

We've bought him new knives and tried buying precut bread but that just makes him even more angry. He has to carve the sunday roast, he won't let anyone else do it, and the joint of meat ends up the same as the last bit of bread. But he doesn't cut the monday leftovers, so blames me when the slices are too thick. Even when the leftover is only about 2-3 cms wide to start off with.

So I thought about getting a meat slicer that can blitz the monday meat blob (no matter what size or shape) into something vaguely resembling wafer thin slices...

Thanks again


887 posts

187 months

Friday 8th March 2024
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Just buy a really good set of steak knifes and forks so no matter how thick the beef slices are they are easy to cur.
Mine are from these but not sure which set without finding the box



4,021 posts

124 months

Friday 8th March 2024
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I'm assuming the issue is your dad needing/wanting the leftover meat sliced really thin for sandwiches, etc, due to his difficulty eating?

Beyond that, I can't help with recommendations to achieve this, sorry.


6,659 posts

288 months

Friday 8th March 2024
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I have the previous model of this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wave-Grae-Allessch-SKS-10...

It's fantastic! I use it to cut bread to the thickness I want (obv) for either toast or sandwiches and to cut the Sunday roast into slices for sandwiches through the week.
I've never used it on hot meat because I have a good carver and enjoy doing it by hand. But to cut exceptionally thin roast beef slices for sarnies is a delight.
It is a little fiddly to clean as being an electric appliance you can't drop it into the sink but it's worth the effort.
Oh, I couldn't source a UK supplier and had to order from Germany so it arrived with a continental plug which took 5 minutes to swap over to a UK 3 pin.


809 posts

117 months

Friday 8th March 2024
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I am about to dispose of one of these.

Has had very little use.
Being fussy, the cable feels a bit perished.
Yours if you want it. Will post at my cost.