Low potassium cooking


Teddy Lop

Original Poster:

8,301 posts

77 months

Sunday 25th February 2024
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So, after an eventful few weeks the Mrs is home and having regular dialysis for her stopped kidneys.

A diet low in potassium is required. Which is a bu99er, so many nice things she can't eat. She's also coeliac FWIW.

We really enjoy food and, we're pretty creative and most home eating is scratch cooked, but low potassium really does set a challenge.
Any ideas, tips?

I'm thinking a sort of Bolognese using blended peppers and/or aubergine instead of tomato/passanta for a thick sauce?

Another meal we regularly enjoy is chicken legs baked over beans, the skin goes crispy but the chicken steams and is soft. Beans are a no-no though, so what could we use instead? Sweetcorn? Also chilli?


14,028 posts

225 months

Sunday 25th February 2024
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Chicken over Quinoa would work.

I would avoid banana bread though