Gas BBQ for £250



Original Poster:

495 posts

130 months

Sunday 25th February 2024
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Hi guys,

Wife and I move into our next house next week, and I'd like to surprise her with a new BBQ. We've lived at her parents while the house has been built, and she fell in love with cooking on their gas BBQ. We had a charcoal one at the last house but never used it because of the faff!

My budget is around £250, does anyone have any recommendations?


tight fart

3,147 posts

283 months

Sunday 25th February 2024
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You want a gas grill then, not a BBQ.


12,086 posts

219 months

Sunday 25th February 2024
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The default option is normally Weber although Outback is also popular. I favour Weber based on experience of both as the Webers do seem to go on for years although I would think a gas one would need a bit more care in terms of storing covered or inside in winter.

A quick google of Weber or "outback sale" and the smaller ones are all around or just under your budget.

Again, personal experience says ignore all the little fiddly extras, they just break or get lost.


565 posts

112 months

Sunday 25th February 2024
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Not sure if you can move on your budget but if you can, this is decent as it gives you the option of both. Otherwise, maybe search for BBQ’s in the sale from Char-broil as I’ve found them to be very good quality. Not quite up there with Weber but cheaper and better than most.