Coffee grinder needed. Blinded by options and bullshit.

Coffee grinder needed. Blinded by options and bullshit.



Original Poster:

2,252 posts

112 months

Wednesday 21st February 2024
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 26 November 2024 at 20:06

Douglas Quaid

2,505 posts

95 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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Not sure why you’re winking, but if you do actually want a basic one, this is what I have and it does the job with one button to press and no fanciness.


2,461 posts

213 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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As I understand it, better grinders give a more consistent grind size which is most "critical" with espresso as it gives a more consistent brew. Variation in particle sizes cause the water to flow quickly through some parts of the puck and slowly through others.

I don't think this is an issue for pour over coffees.

I had a quick look at James Hoffman on Yt but his "cheap" grinder video is all £300+++ laugh

Any cheap burr grinder will do unless you want some aesthetic art piece for guests to ignore.

Edited by .:ian:. on Thursday 22 February 07:34


2,015 posts

103 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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Both Krups and Delonghi do basic burr grinders that do a decent job for about £50-£60.

They are also quite compact and won't fill your entire worktop.

There is a huge coffee pods Vs machine and grinder thread on here. Whatever you do, don't look at it;)


4,439 posts

107 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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We've got this one, works well and is only slightly more expensive than the blade one;

Riley Blue

21,881 posts

236 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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dontlookdown said:
Both Krups and Delonghi do basic burr grinders that do a decent job for about £50-£60.

They are also quite compact and won't fill your entire worktop.

There is a huge coffee pods Vs machine and grinder thread on here. Whatever you do, don't look at it;)
I have a DeLonghi KG79, the one that can be found for £50-ish. Some people have reckoned it doesn't grind fine enough but I haven't found that. I have a mid-morning mug of Lavassa Rossa from my moka pot and can't detect any taste difference between beans I've ground or ready ground.


2,929 posts

150 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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Douglas Quaid said:
Not sure why you’re winking, but if you do actually want a basic one, this is what I have and it does the job with one button to press and no fanciness.
I've got a Tefal which looks identical to this, had it for years, I don't use for Espresso though, I use in a Aeropress machine and it tastes great. Whenever we have guests everyone always asks for a coffee out the Aeropress, freshly ground.


5,406 posts

291 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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Mammasaid said:
We've got this one, works well and is only slightly more expensive than the blade one;
I also had one of these (in fact it's still in the back of my cupboard!!) and used it for my Aeropress for a few years. Once I got a 'proper' espresso machine, I got a 'proper' hand grinder and now have a modified professional electric grinder.

The Krupps one will be more than fine for your needs - there are many similar units all using pretty much the same internals but looking slightly different externally. Check out Facebook Marketplace for second hand grinders - they (grinders in general) mostly come apart for a good thorough clean prior to you using them.

What's your budget? Any chance you'll want to go to a proper espresso setup next?


7,724 posts

74 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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I'm not a coffee obsessive, so hopefully this sounds appropriately calm and measured. A blade grinder is quire a but better better than pre-ground coffee. A burr grinder is better than a blade grinder. A better burr grinder us slightly better than a basic burr grinder.

So I'd get a cheapish burr grinder - the Delonghi or the Bodum (never tried the Krupps, so this isn't a comment on that).


Original Poster:

2,252 posts

112 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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Thanks guys, plenty to be going on with.

No idea about french press, pourover etc. I just use a moka pot. Is that espresso? No idea. The preground Lavazza seems to be fine in it, as were Lavazza beans through my Aldi grinder. Coffee from coffee shops rarely tastes that that much better to me, so I guess all the handwringing isn't aimed at me.

Will get a small, economical burr grinder.


2,977 posts

262 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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Although I swear by my fancy James Hoffman recommended 'budget' grinder, it's worth pointing out that hand grinders like the porlex will give you much better results than a blade grinder.


22,702 posts

132 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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oddman said:
Although I swear by my fancy James Hoffman recommended 'budget' grinder, it's worth pointing out that hand grinders like the porlex will give you much better results than a blade grinder.
My knock Feldgrind is good, and doesn't take much effort or time.


1,541 posts

122 months

Thursday 22nd February 2024
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When I looked into it a couple of years ago, the Melitta Molino seemed to be the cheapest burr grinder. I've been using mine ever since, it's fine, it works:

Suspect you might want something that grinds finer for a true espresso machine, but it's absolutely perfect for moka pots, filters etc. And I use it for my Rok too...