Wok for aga



Original Poster:

5,610 posts

31 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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I’ve ended up with no cooker but an aga
I like stir fries
My current wobbly wok does not conduct heat well enough from the hot plate to my food.
The result is I am suffering limp Pak Choi and sadly steamed chicken.
Help me.
Can anyone recommend a decent, flat bottomed, wok that will get and stay hot enough on the hot plates?


54,890 posts

265 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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I suspect you'd have more success with a standalone gas burner.


684 posts

37 months


7,866 posts

168 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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I use one of these: https://www.agacookshop.co.uk/cookware/cast-alumin...

With the Aga being limited in output, pre-heating it in the hot oven renders it usable. Not as good as a proper wok on gas, but not terrible.