Varied food quality.



Original Poster:

767 posts

73 months

Tuesday 30th January 2024
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For example, for me it’s peperami, one day I could buy one that is nice, soft and really enjoyable.

But then probably 60-70% of the time it seems they are rock solid and so dry that I chuck them.

What gives.?

Any other food products that can swing so drastically.


8,317 posts

91 months

Tuesday 30th January 2024
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Fresh chillies. One packet no heat, little flavour. Next one from the same shop takes your head off.


5,332 posts

142 months

Wednesday 31st January 2024
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Scabutz said:
Fresh chillies. One packet no heat, little flavour. Next one from the same shop takes your head off.
I’ve given up buying packets/super market chillies. The loose ones from my local Indian store are consistently (my bloody hot)