Haagen Dazs, am I the only one not to realise…

Haagen Dazs, am I the only one not to realise…


satans worm

Original Poster:

2,422 posts

228 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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..that its an American brand, originally from the Bronxs, i was suckered in to thinking it was some Scandinavian brand (as of course was the purpose)

And yes, i do know Pret and GU are both English brands smile

What other brands are out there that 'misrepresent' by use of their names the country of origin (not including takeover of companies but actually set up to mislead)

Super Sonic

8,246 posts

65 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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16,518 posts

220 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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No, not founded in the Austrian Alps as the name might suggest, founded in Newcastle!


4,426 posts

189 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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6,348 posts

202 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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Countless lagers that are actually brewed in the UK, and not Australia/mexico/germany/france/wherever

sean ie3

2,566 posts

147 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.

Tye Green

840 posts

120 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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Haagen Dazs Pralines & Cream is the tastiest thing ever created tongue out ......probably


1,817 posts

126 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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Napapijri, Finnish word, has a Norwegian flag..... It's Italian!


4,663 posts

93 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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sean ie3 said:
I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.
castlemaine before its demise here too, red stripe, list is endless, even amongst the not so common ones.

when i drank lager with my old man, i used to seek these out as they tended to taste (yes i know lager...) better than the crap from Carlsberg, Heineken, fosters, carling (Canadian BTW) etc that has been brewed here for years. used to seek out tusker, tooheys, carib and castle (which was the nicest) to get something slightly interesting.

doom bar being brewed in burton, tastes a world away to the original (whilst cask is still brewed locally but formula changed to be more in line with the burton crap),


20,911 posts

258 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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theplayingmantis said:
sean ie3 said:
I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.
castlemaine before its demise here too, red stripe, list is endless, even amongst the not so common ones.

when i drank lager with my old man, i used to seek these out as they tended to taste (yes i know lager...) better than the crap from Carlsberg, Heineken, fosters, carling (Canadian BTW) etc that has been brewed here for years. used to seek out tusker, tooheys, carib and castle (which was the nicest) to get something slightly interesting.

doom bar being brewed in burton, tastes a world away to the original (whilst cask is still brewed locally but formula changed to be more in line with the burton crap),
Brewing of beers happens where it’s consumed, otherwise the price for shipping and importing it would make it uneconomic and would not compete with local brewed offerings. Also short shelf life.


15,906 posts

212 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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theplayingmantis said:
sean ie3 said:
I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.
castlemaine before its demise here too, red stripe, list is endless, even amongst the not so common ones.

when i drank lager with my old man, i used to seek these out as they tended to taste (yes i know lager...) better than the crap from Carlsberg, Heineken, fosters, carling (Canadian BTW) etc that has been brewed here for years. used to seek out tusker, tooheys, carib and castle (which was the nicest) to get something slightly interesting.

doom bar being brewed in burton, tastes a world away to the original (whilst cask is still brewed locally but formula changed to be more in line with the burton crap),
I did wonder about Doom Bar!

I’m a big fan of beer that has been imported having been brewed with the local water.


6,613 posts

34 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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TTmonkey said:
theplayingmantis said:
sean ie3 said:
I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.
castlemaine before its demise here too, red stripe, list is endless, even amongst the not so common ones.

when i drank lager with my old man, i used to seek these out as they tended to taste (yes i know lager...) better than the crap from Carlsberg, Heineken, fosters, carling (Canadian BTW) etc that has been brewed here for years. used to seek out tusker, tooheys, carib and castle (which was the nicest) to get something slightly interesting.

doom bar being brewed in burton, tastes a world away to the original (whilst cask is still brewed locally but formula changed to be more in line with the burton crap),
Brewing of beers happens where it’s consumed, otherwise the price for shipping and importing it would make it uneconomic and would not compete with local brewed offerings. Also short shelf life.
Plenty of beers are brewed and exported around the world. Just need to know what you are looking for.

Chicken Chaser

8,318 posts

235 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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MitchT said:

No, not founded in the Austrian Alps as the name might suggest, founded in Newcastle!
Sunderland I believe. Montane is just north of Newcastle.


21,781 posts

283 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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Cask Doom Bar is brewed in Rock, but I don't think it's got a great deal of history. The bloke who did its marketing is a mate of a mate and I'm pretty sure that included inventing the name and establishing the entire brand.


4,663 posts

93 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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TTmonkey said:
theplayingmantis said:
sean ie3 said:
I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.
castlemaine before its demise here too, red stripe, list is endless, even amongst the not so common ones.

when i drank lager with my old man, i used to seek these out as they tended to taste (yes i know lager...) better than the crap from Carlsberg, Heineken, fosters, carling (Canadian BTW) etc that has been brewed here for years. used to seek out tusker, tooheys, carib and castle (which was the nicest) to get something slightly interesting.

doom bar being brewed in burton, tastes a world away to the original (whilst cask is still brewed locally but formula changed to be more in line with the burton crap),
Brewing of beers happens where it’s consumed, otherwise the price for shipping and importing it would make it uneconomic and would not compete with local brewed offerings. Also short shelf life.
No, it doesn't...

edit to say no it doesnt have to and isnt as others have said.

Edited by theplayingmantis on Tuesday 23 January 12:51


4,663 posts

93 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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ATG said:
Cask Doom Bar is brewed in Rock, but I don't think it's got a great deal of history. The bloke who did its marketing is a mate of a mate and I'm pretty sure that included inventing the name and establishing the entire brand.
Sharps started off in the 90s I think and doom bar followed at some point. Since the takeover by coors formulation has changed of cask (I appreciate breweries tweak formulas of beers from time to time) however cask doom bar now vs original is night an day.

Its a youngish company but sold out (fair play to them) at the first opportunity and who can blame them given the state of the small/medium brewing trade...Black sheep recently bought out after administration, skinners happily back after administration, far too many small craft breweries too producing horrible but fashionable for a month drinks who appear then vanish in a couple of years, all the the detriment of medium sized indies, who make an good product yet are not on trend and ultimately lose out to fly by night craft brewers who will inevitable fail or the big boys who produce generic crap, and reformulate to drive down costs...such is the industry though.

Edited by theplayingmantis on Tuesday 23 January 12:52


4,663 posts

93 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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Silvanus said:
TTmonkey said:
theplayingmantis said:
sean ie3 said:
I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.
castlemaine before its demise here too, red stripe, list is endless, even amongst the not so common ones.

when i drank lager with my old man, i used to seek these out as they tended to taste (yes i know lager...) better than the crap from Carlsberg, Heineken, fosters, carling (Canadian BTW) etc that has been brewed here for years. used to seek out tusker, tooheys, carib and castle (which was the nicest) to get something slightly interesting.

doom bar being brewed in burton, tastes a world away to the original (whilst cask is still brewed locally but formula changed to be more in line with the burton crap),
Brewing of beers happens where it’s consumed, otherwise the price for shipping and importing it would make it uneconomic and would not compete with local brewed offerings. Also short shelf life.
Plenty of beers are brewed and exported around the world. Just need to know what you are looking for.
Exactly. Not sure what tts been drinking!


6,613 posts

34 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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theplayingmantis said:
Silvanus said:
TTmonkey said:
theplayingmantis said:
sean ie3 said:
I remember when I was young Tiger beer was a bit of a treat, now brewed and bottled far from where it should be seems to taste like generic pish.
Maybe rose coloured spectacles.
castlemaine before its demise here too, red stripe, list is endless, even amongst the not so common ones.

when i drank lager with my old man, i used to seek these out as they tended to taste (yes i know lager...) better than the crap from Carlsberg, Heineken, fosters, carling (Canadian BTW) etc that has been brewed here for years. used to seek out tusker, tooheys, carib and castle (which was the nicest) to get something slightly interesting.

doom bar being brewed in burton, tastes a world away to the original (whilst cask is still brewed locally but formula changed to be more in line with the burton crap),
Brewing of beers happens where it’s consumed, otherwise the price for shipping and importing it would make it uneconomic and would not compete with local brewed offerings. Also short shelf life.
Plenty of beers are brewed and exported around the world. Just need to know what you are looking for.
Exactly. Not sure what tts been drinking!
Generic British brewed lager, probably


1,801 posts

158 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2024
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That horrible Madri stuff.


6,681 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2024
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Fine T-shirt & clothing brand (just got a couple of items on sale).

Sounds faintly antipodean, eh?

From, & made on, the wonderful Isle of Wight thumbup

Good company: do support them (& I have no link other than being a caulkhead myself…although without the 3 generations, so maybe not hehe)