Horl sharpener



Original Poster:

26,929 posts

272 months

Saturday 13th January 2024
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20 seconds on my Global chefs knife transformed it thumbup


15,313 posts

201 months

Saturday 13th January 2024
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Well done you . . . have a cookie etc



26,258 posts

268 months

Saturday 13th January 2024
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Glad you like it Mini thumbup Did you get the 3000 and 6000 grit upgrade discs? If not I can thoroughly recommend it for that razor sharp (literally) edge....

If you've not already found it there's a 'Sharpening Thread' (not just dedicated to knives) here...........



9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 13th January 2024
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My brother’s got one of these. Tempted..


26,258 posts

268 months

Saturday 13th January 2024
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UTH said:
My brother’s got one of these. Tempted..
There are cheaper ones about but I can't vouch for them. But I would say make sure the discs are replaceable and they offer finer grits as well. There is one I found but can't remember it's name. I'll have a look.

Edit: found it............


and finer discs..............


But as I said I can't vouch for it and if you search on Youtube for 'lavarose roller sharpener' they have a couple of videos and the engineering is not as a good as Horl.

Edited by dickymint on Saturday 13th January 22:34


533 posts

154 months

Sunday 14th January 2024
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dickymint said:
£40 on Temu and similar ones including bases with a 12 degree angle on Ali express just a heads up for anyone looking at this