Question for the Home Brewers - final gravity

Question for the Home Brewers - final gravity



Original Poster:

7,479 posts

138 months

Friday 12th January 2024
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My latest brew is an all grain single hop IPA using Mosaic hops.

The recipe is supposed to brew out at 6.7%. My grain bill is 80% Maris Otter and 20% Vienna Malt. I've used Safeale SO4 yeast

Issue is my SG is 1.014 whereas I'd have preferred to see 1.010. This is after 2 weeks and I've just racked it to secondary for dry hopping and I plan to bottle next weekend. I didn't take an OG reading

The real question is whether to use carbonation drops as I'm concerned at the residual sugar level. I'm using tabs and will bottle to 500ml bottles. The tab supplier says 2 tabs for this bottle size.

I do like a well carbonated beer but don't want to create bottle bombs. What's the view of the experts here - my instinct says use just one tab?

Cheers (pun intended)


150 posts

123 months

Friday 12th January 2024
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I often end up with a fg different to the recipe or brewing software and always just use the same amount of sugar for bottle carbonation.

I think you only get excess combination if you haven’t let the fermentation finish. If in doubt I leave it in the fermenter for longer


Original Poster:

7,479 posts

138 months

Friday 12th January 2024
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Sunnyone said:
I often end up with a fg different to the recipe or brewing software and always just use the same amount of sugar for bottle carbonation.

I think you only get excess combination if you haven’t let the fermentation finish. If in doubt I leave it in the fermenter for longer
Thanks for that, the sort of comment I was hoping for.

I'm sure it's finished as the hydro has been settled for almost a week now.

I'm going to leave in secondary for a week, dry hop for 3 days, and then bottle

Thanks again.


3,816 posts

189 months

Friday 12th January 2024
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If the yeast is done then its done, 1.010-1.014 is minimal and if I understand correctly then its been fermenting for well over 2 weeks.

Has it been fermenting at a reasonable temperature for that yeast? I have had a brew previously stall near the end when it got too cold, and it did drop a few points once warmed up.

Bottle bombs are no fun (speaking from experience) but that was dealing with a crazy Saison yeast and probably too much priming sugar.


Original Poster:

7,479 posts

138 months

Friday 12th January 2024
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RichFN2 said:
If the yeast is done then its done, 1.010-1.014 is minimal and if I understand correctly then its been fermenting for well over 2 weeks.

Has it been fermenting at a reasonable temperature for that yeast? I have had a brew previously stall near the end when it got too cold, and it did drop a few points once warmed up.

Bottle bombs are no fun (speaking from experience) but that was dealing with a crazy Saison yeast and probably too much priming sugar.
The bulk of fermentation was done in 2 days which surprised me and temp was around 21 degrees which is bang in the middle of the temp range according to the packet.

First time I've used SO4 which I now know is a fast acting yeast which for obvious reasons is liked by commercial brewers. I normally use Mango Jacks Liberty Bell which takes a fair bit longer and then slows down towards the end. The SO4 was 'bang' and then done in 2 days - the wort was well aerated.

I've just left it in primary to clean up, the active fermentation was done well over a week ago.

Think I will prime as normal, just using one tab, and see how it goes


1,924 posts

282 months

Sunday 14th January 2024
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Mash temperature comes into this as well, higher temperatures produce more sugars that are harder for the yeast to break down, so you'll end up with a higher FG.