Bean Curry Recipes



Original Poster:

7,479 posts

138 months

Tuesday 9th January 2024
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I was given some bean curry at a friends house last week when I dropped in for lunch but I never got the recipe - it was bloody lovely.

It had a lot of butter beans in which I love, various other beans, chopped courgette, tomatoes, banana, cashew nuts and coconut milk to name a few ingredients.

Can anyone offer a recipe for something similar as I intend to make a batch and portin it up for the freezer?



5,118 posts

205 months

Tuesday 9th January 2024
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Not sure about the specific variation, but the ingredients sound very Sri Lankan. maybe just

Otherwise butter beans are called Desi Val in india but tend to be northern, so Punjab/ Gujarat type so very unlikely to have coconut milk.


14,844 posts

148 months

Tuesday 9th January 2024
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Lotobear said:
I was given some bean curry at a friends house last week when I dropped in for lunch but I never got the recipe - it was bloody lovely.

It had a lot of butter beans in which I love, various other beans, chopped courgette, tomatoes, banana, cashew nuts and coconut milk to name a few ingredients.

Can anyone offer a recipe for something similar as I intend to make a batch and portin it up for the freezer?

Could you not ask said friend for the recipe?


Original Poster:

7,479 posts

138 months

Tuesday 9th January 2024
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thebraketester said:
Lotobear said:
I was given some bean curry at a friends house last week when I dropped in for lunch but I never got the recipe - it was bloody lovely.

It had a lot of butter beans in which I love, various other beans, chopped courgette, tomatoes, banana, cashew nuts and coconut milk to name a few ingredients.

Can anyone offer a recipe for something similar as I intend to make a batch and portin it up for the freezer?

Could you not ask said friend for the recipe?
I asked him several times but he's not provided it, he's known to be a dilatory bugger so thought I would try route 1 instead.


8,374 posts

233 months

Tuesday 9th January 2024
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nikaiyo2 said:
Not sure about the specific variation, but the ingredients sound very Sri Lankan. maybe just

Otherwise butter beans are called Desi Val in india but tend to be northern, so Punjab/ Gujarat type so very unlikely to have coconut milk.
both those recipies look yummy. Will try.