Missing anchovies!



Original Poster:

7,259 posts

175 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Is there some sort of Anchovy drought that has hit?

None of my local Lidl stores has had any tinned anchovies for weeks, and now even the local Tesco has a bare patch on the shelf in the fish aisle.
How am i supposed to titivate my pizzas? richen my Lamb gravy? perk up my cottage pie?

Is this just a shortage limited to Devon, or have the anchovies all swum off across the country? Who do I blame? Global warming, or Brexit?


713 posts

98 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Anchovies are the devil's work and the world is better off without them


2,728 posts

199 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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12,249 posts

294 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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My local Lidl hasn't had anchovies for a while either, so I think they have given up on them.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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I bought some last week from Waitrose. Seemed to have loads in.

Ah, I get it. You're nowhere near a Waitrose.

You poor thing. Sending hugs xx


Original Poster:

7,259 posts

175 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Mobile Chicane said:
I bought some last week from Waitrose. Seemed to have loads in.

Ah, I get it. You're nowhere near a Waitrose.

You poor thing. Sending hugs xx
Once Waitrose decides that it can head further west without danger of getting its feet wet, i might grace them with my presence.


7,474 posts

138 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Aldi suddenly stopped their 55p/tin anchovies a few months ago and I, too, am bereft.

A pizza is simply not the same without them and now, if you can find them, they have shot up in price. I had to pay £2.50 for a small glass jar of them week before Christmas. Poor form indeed.


1,643 posts

30 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Our local Aldi had tinned anchovies last week after not having had them for a while.


7,113 posts

163 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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My local mini tescos had them in today, I noticed them as I was buying tinned sardines.


5,382 posts

261 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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There are a lot of different alici/acciughe/anchois/anchoas available from Amazon

My absolute favourites are Anchois de Colliure, preferable those produced by Roque, now hard to order from outside France


474 posts

36 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Anchovies are the sea's answer to bacon, the taste is like kissing a lusty mermaid biggrin

I tend to get mine in a jar from M&S as they taste best, but last time I was in there wasn't anyway. I'll have to get some more, I've been known to eat them straight out the jar...


Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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A must for the anchovy lover:

Delicious as a dip for good bread. I think you're meant to put in on pasta, but I couldn't wait.


7,474 posts

138 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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HBelder said:
Our local Aldi had tinned anchovies last week after not having had them for a while.
That's great to know thanks!

I will check again - this time I will stock up just in case. I bloody love the little buggers and will happily pouch the lot straight out of the tin.


7,834 posts

229 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Somebody mentioned Scotch Woodcock over on the breakfast thread, since then there has been a run…

Drive Blind

5,283 posts

187 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Plenty in my local Tesco, next to the caviar


52,961 posts

165 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Plenty locally (Waitrose/booths/deli)

Anchovies on buttered toast is my special place.

Or Gentleman's Relish (ok-er matron)


2,026 posts

33 months

Friday 5th January 2024
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Another confirmation seen at Waitrose this evening. As soon as I read the thread I went out and stocked up . Jars in olive oil .
I have written to my MP and ask for this to be raised in the House .
I appreciate there are other world events albeit I don't consider there is a great deal of more importance than this potential supply issue.

Weirdly I did buy three jars tonight, the last three they had in the store!


5,918 posts

147 months

Saturday 6th January 2024
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No shortage round my area. Perhaps you can buy some on Amazon?

Lots more expensive and fancier anchovy products available.

Failing that I'll buy some and post them to you!

In my area there's no more squid to be had except very poor value packs in the frozen aisle. And since I eat fish every day and only occasionally eat meat, squid is a staple. So I ended up going to an oriental cash and carry for a few 1kg bags.


52,961 posts

165 months

Saturday 6th January 2024
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Sticks. said:
My local pub has marinated anchovies on apple and potato salad as a starter. Has done for years.
I'm going to try that...

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Saturday 6th January 2024
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vaud said:
Sticks. said:
My local pub has marinated anchovies on apple and potato salad as a starter. Has done for years.
I'm going to try that...
Likewise. I'm guessing these are the ones in vinegar as opposed to oil?