Odd question



Original Poster:

764 posts

17 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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This is slightly odd.

I have become teetotal and have several unopened bottles of fairly decent whiskey.

is there anywhere you can sell them? Obviously licencing laws prevent this on most places but is there anywhere that one can legally sell something like this, to perhaps someone who would sell it on in a different capacity>?

Otherwise it will have to go down the drain, and that seems a waste as I dont really know anyone else that drinks the stuff.

I will add, it was all gifted.


1,558 posts

107 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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There are a few online platforms now for doing this, including specific whisky auctions.


18,640 posts

210 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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Depends what you call fairly decent really. Anything available in the supermarket will be worthless and you may as well give it to a friend.

If it’s decent stuff not from a supermarket there are several buyers but be warned they are like we buy any car and won’t really offer you anything amazing

The whiskey exchange
Whisky buyers
Masters of malt
Whiskey online

Are four examples that buy whiskey like WBAC buys cars

The whiskey shop is an example of an online auction eBay style as posted above


Original Poster:

764 posts

17 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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This is not supermarket stuff, but not rare or collectible either


14,038 posts

225 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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If they are unopened.
You got them as gifts.
Gift them to others. Just make sure its not who gave you the whisky in the first place.


18,640 posts

210 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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Give it a try then. Try whiskey online first they are more mainstream and then work your way up the list. There is no harm in asking for a price and it’s it’s no thanks then you haven’t lost anything