Dinner ideas to include vegetarian part

Dinner ideas to include vegetarian part



Original Poster:

18,744 posts

208 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I have good friends coming over for festivities, one of them is a veggie so trying to do something that we can all have, just 2 of us with meat, rather than giving them something totally different.

I thought about curry, as most sides, breads are fine, then I can do 2 curries one with meat, one without. Or 1 and just split it. It also is far enough removed from Christmas lunch.

Saying that, any other bright ideas? I don’t usually cater for veggies hehe


27,710 posts

193 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I have done the 2 curry thing, non veggies tuck into the veggie stuff so I don't bother with meat.


Original Poster:

18,744 posts

208 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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PositronicRay said:
I have done the 2 curry thing, non veggies tuck into the veggie stuff so I don't bother with meat.
That did occur. He won’t eat a load of meat so will go between. Whereas I’m a devoted carnivore and anything without meat isn’t a meal hehe

Thinking I could do one veg curry and some chicken skewers or something.


194 posts

208 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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What about an Italian pasta bake, some thing like this: https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/pasta-recipes/... One dish for everyone then

Planet Claire

3,352 posts

219 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I've done individual Wellingtons before. Beef for the meaters and a roasted Mediterranean veg for the veggie.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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Jailhouse Chili but with varieties of beans in, and stloads of cheese.

Sneak some sausage stuffing balls into yours.


14,038 posts

225 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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Mac and cheese.
Dish up the veggie one and then stir in chopped up pigs in blankets(cooked) for everyone else.
Serve with garlic bread and chips.
Everyones a winner


18,145 posts

211 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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sherman said:
Mac and cheese.
Dish up the veggie one and then stir in chopped up pigs in blankets(cooked) for everyone else.
Serve with garlic bread and chips.
Everyones a winner
Would you like a side of carbs with that hehe


14,038 posts

225 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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sc0tt said:
sherman said:
Mac and cheese.
Dish up the veggie one and then stir in chopped up pigs in blankets(cooked) for everyone else.
Serve with garlic bread and chips.
Everyones a winner
Would you like a side of carbs with that hehe
Tell me it wouldnt go down well. Serve a mixed salad to go with it if you are worried


301 posts

36 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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Misses is veggie and i’m not, quite often to a parsnip risotto (parsnips mashed up and added to the rice) and topped with bacon/lardons or veggie lardons.


1,167 posts

18 months

Saturday 23rd December 2023
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No need to cook two curries when you can all have the same

Prawn Dhansak
Nasi Goreng
Lentil & kidney bean chillie
Boiled egg curry
One of my favourites New Potato, rainbow chard and coconut curry

Edited by lancslad58 on Saturday 23 December 01:26


3,816 posts

189 months

Saturday 23rd December 2023
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I would go with veggie curry and have some tandoori chicken or lamb for meat eaters.

Wil be completely separate from the curry and easier than making 2 curries.

Having said that the Mac and cheese idea goes sound good.


1,777 posts

19 months

Saturday 23rd December 2023
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Give the veggie plenty of peas!

tongue outtongue outtongue out

