


Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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So, I’ve now done two lots of fermented chillis (home grown), first go was good and made a great hot sauce… second batch was awesome and is living in my fridge… it’s brought a new dimension to my cooking/pickling/culinary adventures… but… what’s next? I’m properly keen to take home fermentation to the next step… but what to do?

Help/advice/suggestions/ideas/experience all welcome… what do you guys ferment?


14,038 posts

225 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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Make your own susstromming(sp). Your neighbours 3 doors away will move out rofl


Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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sherman said:
Make your own susstromming(sp). Your neighbours 3 doors away will move out rofl
Looks interesting… have you done this yourself?


773 posts

214 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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Interesting. I was at a friends house who is a chef and playing with this sort of thing. He gave me some miso ice cream with rose fermented honey. Wild flavours, very complicated. He said to get the noma book. and if it's not arriving via santa, i will pick up a copy in the new year.


14,038 posts

225 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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baconsarney said:
sherman said:
Make your own susstromming(sp). Your neighbours 3 doors away will move out rofl
Looks interesting… have you done this yourself?
Dear god no! hurl


Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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craigthecoupe said:
Interesting. I was at a friends house who is a chef and playing with this sort of thing. He gave me some miso ice cream with rose fermented honey. Wild flavours, very complicated. He said to get the noma book. and if it's not arriving via santa, i will pick up a copy in the new year.
Thank you for that! Found it on Amazon, will order a copy looks really interesting, fascinating subject…


6,473 posts

33 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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I love fermenting, pickling and preserving. A friend mentioned the Noma book, think I might get it.

I've been experimenting with wild mushrooms, attempting to make mushroom based vegan anchovies.

Edited by Silvanus on Friday 15th December 23:17


1,799 posts

125 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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The Noma guide to fermentation is THE modern book when it comes to fermenting, it goes I to the intricacies of it all and you won't need another book, the only thing stopping you will be your imagination and or your kit.


Original Poster:

12,074 posts

171 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Noma book ordered! Plus 2 x 1 litre mason fermenting jars with weights smile I think first on the list is having a go at Kimchi…

Wild mushrooms sound intriguing scratchchin


52,963 posts

165 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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baconsarney said:
sherman said:
Make your own susstromming(sp). Your neighbours 3 doors away will move out rofl
Looks interesting… have you done this yourself?
Surströmming Is wonderful but buy it rather than DIY.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Kimchi is easy - a good use for those cauliflower leaves / stalks - and makes absolute sense to make at home given the cost of it to buy.


6,473 posts

33 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Mobile Chicane said:
Kimchi is easy - a good use for those cauliflower leaves / stalks - and makes absolute sense to make at home given the cost of it to buy.
Sauerkraut is another easy one, I make mine with red cabbage.


2,649 posts

64 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Another good book on the subject is "The Cultured Club" by Dearbhla Reynolds . I was browsing through it in a holiday let recently and ended up buying myself a copy when I got home.


773 posts

214 months

Tuesday 26th December 2023
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Well santa must be on PH. My copy of the noma book was gifted to me, an i will enjoy learning about fermenting even if i dont try it all. It's a nice looking book to have.