


Original Poster:

6,900 posts

189 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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Help required and gratefully received.

As we enter the festive season I fell prey to those evil marketing bods at Sainsbury’s this weekend and found myself buying a bag of unshelled nuts. “That’ll be a bit of fun for the kids” I said to myself.

But now I need a nutcracker.

I recalled that as a child this sort of traditional setup was impossible for my small hands and weak muscles to manage - and broken bits of shell would go everywhere.

It seems nutcracker technology has moved on in the last thirty years and there are now these sorts of things on offer

Or even this sort of thing

Does anyone have any advice or experience they could share?

Usable for ten year old kids
Doesn’t make too much mess (if possible)
In stock
Not entirely mental money

Thanks in advance.


24,222 posts

240 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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Can't help but you just reminded me of the joy of getting a whole half a walnut out intact as a kid, using metal nutcrackers that looked like a set of molegrips smile


5,676 posts

124 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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I use this one which works very well

some nuts are tough to crack for anyone - others a good nutcracker will deal with for anyone


Original Poster:

6,900 posts

189 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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akirk said:
I use this one which works very well

some nuts are tough to crack for anyone - others a good nutcracker will deal with for anyone

Checks Ann Summer’s site for their own brand version…

(Thanks. Not seen one like that before. It works well, then?)


5,821 posts

192 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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I've got a ratchet nutcracker which is head and shoulders better than any other.
No, they are not made any more but turn up on internet auction sites

sean ie3

2,507 posts

146 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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I have one similar to the Amazon item in the OP's post, a quick and easy way into a walnut and doesn't fling hazelnut shells to far corners Brazil nuts are another thing though.


5,676 posts

124 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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scenario8 said:
akirk said:
I use this one which works very well

some nuts are tough to crack for anyone - others a good nutcracker will deal with for anyone

Checks Ann Summer’s site for their own brand version…

(Thanks. Not seen one like that before. It works well, then?)
well you can get a non-gold one for about £5+ less
or a rip-off version for about £7 (which will probably break!)


3,993 posts

242 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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Where’s the fun in a nut cracker that doesn’t fling shell off in all directions?
Let the kids enjoy life


2,521 posts

277 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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Probably no use for a ten year old kid but last year I actually snapped my metal nut cracker on an almond and hunted round based on reviews including independant comaprison tests. Ended up with these OXO ones and they have been superb, tackling even the toughest of nuts. I think it's partly down to them being also for sea food and as a result have a lot more metal in the arms.


28,322 posts

203 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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croyde said:
Can't help but you just reminded me of the joy of getting a whole half a walnut out intact as a kid, using metal nutcrackers that looked like a set of molegrips smile
akirk said:
I use this one which works very well

some nuts are tough to crack for anyone - others a good nutcracker will deal with for anyone
Bloody hellfire, you can get an actual pair of vicegrips for £15, then once bored of the mess and eating nuts you have a tool to go in the garage.


2,569 posts

91 months

Tuesday 12th December 2023
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My parents' nutcrackers were awful. They required a great deal of force and when they broke the nut, either squashed it or sent bits flying in every direction. Mole grips are the best tool for the job. Just remember to wipe the grease and oil off them before putting them to seasonal use.