Costco - Paella



Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Friday 8th December 2023
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I havent been to costco in years, but last time i did it wasnt there, however they used to sell a ready made Paella in the chilled section, (not own brand - Spanish brand/import) and it was better than the supermarket or bighams ready made paella you can only buy now. Anyone know if they still sell it?

Online website suggests they do sell a paella, but not sure how the website translates to the actual stores, and it doesnt look the same anyhoo, any recent shoppers there able to confirm?
(yes best is home made, but i dnt have time)



1,564 posts

25 months

Friday 8th December 2023
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I'm sure I saw it in the Croydon store 3 weeks ago, yes.


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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