Missing at Christmas



Original Poster:

58 posts

25 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Just gone into Sainsburys to get some president butter - none available. Then I remembered that exactly the same thing happened in December last year. It appears to be one of those lines that get removed for the seasonal produce.

Any other regular items that seem to disappear at this time of year?


2,132 posts

155 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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No. Full supply in Waitrose.


14,039 posts

225 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Bizzarely Robertsons Mincemeat is difficult to come by.
Had to travel to Asda go find it. Both tesco and Morrisons did not have any. They had own brand mincemeat but not the good stuff.

As for the butter most supermarkets do a salted west country or brittany butter thats better than President.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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For some reason fresh chicken livers vanish from the shelves at this time of year.

I'd have thought lots of people would be making their own pates, stuffing mixes etc. Or just a salad.

Oooh no. irked