What to make with diced venison?

What to make with diced venison?



Original Poster:

2,254 posts

112 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 24 November 2024 at 19:05


9,632 posts

116 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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Brown it in flour, lob in a casserole dish with red wine and some veg, put in a warm over for 3 hours. Job jobbed.


1,103 posts

87 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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27,710 posts

193 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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Casserole is the thing, maybe a pie.


7,482 posts

138 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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If you do the casserole with red wine, lob some cooked chestnuts and cloves in as well. Then serve with braised red cabbage, mash and purple sprouting broc - divine!


3,779 posts

92 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Lotobear said:
If you do the casserole with red wine, lob some cooked chestnuts and cloves in as well. Then serve with braised red cabbage, mash and purple sprouting broc - divine!
And invite us to try it! Sounds great.


9,632 posts

116 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Venisonpie said:
And invite us to try it! Sounds great.
We would expect you to propose a pie!


1,533 posts

60 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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I was thinking of swapping out beef mince for vension mince for the health benefits, thinking a chilli for starters (well, not that starter) - anyone tried it?


5,406 posts

291 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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I used this recipe back in Oct for a group of us after a hard day's mountain biking - they all loved it!
Made with 'locally sourced' Muntjac (by locally sourced, I mean the woodland next to our house!)
Served with Dauphinoise potatoes and peppered / buttered Savoy cabbage.
Edited to say, I also included some diced dried apricots - forgot about those!

Edited by S6PNJ on Thursday 7th December 10:08


1,280 posts

153 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Tangine with apricot prunes and dates

served with cous cous


7,482 posts

138 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Could be a bit over powered with three sweet fruits but I would certainly agree about prunes - they go so well with venison


2,521 posts

277 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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I sauté lardons of smoked streaky bacon, putting in to a casserole pot and leaving the oil behind, then brown the venison in that oil. All in to the pot with red wine, a glug of port, and chicken stock (or venison if you have, but not beef or lamb). With an hour or so to go I add some part cooked lentil vert and adjust seasoning.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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I'd be making a bigos (Hunter's Stew) with that, plus some other bits:


Ranger 6

7,237 posts

259 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Slow cook it with red wine and do it as venison ragu with tagliatelle or parpardelle and a nice red.


2,977 posts

262 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Dashnine said:
I was thinking of swapping out beef mince for vension mince for the health benefits, thinking a chilli for starters (well, not that starter) - anyone tried it?
A mate who's a deerstalker eats little else. I've had a lasagne at his place made with venison mince cooked with red wine and tinned tomatoes and it was amazing.

Venison mince also make great burgers and meat balls.

To the OP. I would keep it really simple.

Make sure it's well browned - I use beef dripping. Coarse mirepoix of veg. A bouquet garni. Bit of flour for thickening. Red wine. Beef or chicken stock. Long slow cook.

Dauphinoise a really good call.


3,779 posts

92 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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abzmike said:
Venisonpie said:
And invite us to try it! Sounds great.
We would expect you to propose a pie!
Very occasionally I like to go mad and eat it sans pastry!