


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Its nearing the end of the Fenland celery season, couple more weeks i reckon in decent green grocers, such is the night and day nature of it vs. stuff you get rest of the year i never bother to buy the non fenland stuff, question for home growers, is yours actually nice, string free and tasty?

Have an unused cricket net that may turn over to veg if can be arsed.


7,479 posts

138 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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I can't stand eating raw celery with a passion, however make a bolognaise without it and it's just not the same.

..when I think of the 70's l immediately see stalks of stringy celery with squirty Primula cheese piped into the hollow. Hateful stuff in it's raw state.


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Lotobear said:
I can't stand eating raw celery with a passion, however make a bolognaise without it and it's just not the same.

..when I think of the 70's l immediately see stalks of stringy celery with squirty Primula cheese piped into the hollow. Hateful stuff in it's raw state.
get ye some fenland grown, no strings actual nice flavor and would think same species.

sean ie3

2,507 posts

146 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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Essential in a mirepoix!


2,170 posts

267 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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And why is so much celery green these days?
Tastes crap.


5,343 posts

184 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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paul.deitch said:
And why is so much celery green these days?
Tastes crap.
I so agree, trying to find some which has gone white is almost impossible in most supermarkets.

Snow and Rocks

2,653 posts

37 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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I generally dislike raw celery but agree it's an essential starting point to many dishes.

It's also a firm favourite if you finely grate a few sticks along with half an white onion. Mix with a few spoons of mayonnaise, some lime juice, some paprika and a packet of cooked prawns. Finest sandwich filling known to man.


64 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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Cream of celery soup is amazing.

Riley Blue

21,881 posts

236 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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pocketspring said:
Cream of celery soup is amazing.
Delia's celery and stilton soup is a favourite here - delicious.


2,016 posts

103 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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Not a fan of celery as a standalone, but it's a vital ingredient in soups, soffrito, mirepoix etc as already noted.

Fenland celery is a new one on me, I am rather ashamed to admit. I'd love to try it. Would my Dad be able to get me some - he's about 15 miles NE of Cambridge?


12,074 posts

171 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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Goes in the chilli and beef stew without fail… and my homemade Moroccan Christmas chutney smile


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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all of you must be buying the crap you get from supermarkets (with the honorable exception of a few Waitrose's this time of year (around the fens) as the stuff most and GG's sell is dire. The proper local fenland or similar stuff is very good, stringless, tasty.

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,761 posts

245 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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All of us in Nottingham are forever grateful to Marshall Tallard who was captured at the Battle of Blenheim.


7,259 posts

175 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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Never heard of Fenland celery, it must be a bit regional as it doesn't get as far as Devon grocers. Bit like Laver doesn't travel north.


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months


1,891 posts

44 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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May be one for the unpopular opinion thread, but I find that a stick or two of raw celery tastes great, particularly straight out of the fridge on a hot day.

Kudos to the OP for starting a thread about celery though.

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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theplayingmantis said:
I'm having some of that, if I can find it in deepest darkest Dorking.

Thanks for the recommendation.


Original Poster:

4,603 posts

92 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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Mobile Chicane said:
theplayingmantis said:
I'm having some of that, if I can find it in deepest darkest Dorking.

Thanks for the recommendation.
Season is pretty much done, so good luck. I get it from GG in Woodbridge, but as i said Waitrose Cambridge, bury, ely st ives etc have it in season.


39,335 posts

266 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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The only thing celery is essential for is the bottom of the bin.

Foul stuff. And any food that looks like toe nails when chopped up is not to be trusted.

Captain Smerc

3,126 posts

126 months

Tuesday 12th December 2023
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I eat it straight from the fridge with a grind of rock salt. Like a Boss!