BEEM or Sage?


Hugo Stiglitz

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38,432 posts

221 months


7,482 posts

138 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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Interesting - I'd never heard of BEEM but they seem to be a good spec and get positive reviews, a fair bit cheaper than a Barista Express but both have 15 bar Italian pumps and the BEEM allows you to froth milk and extract coffee simultaneously which my Sage Barista does not.

That said my Barista has provided faultless service for 10 years now and gets constant use - I would like to replace it but can't really justify that until it goes wrong but I'd certainly look at one of these.

I'd be interested to see if anyone post with first hand experience of the BEEM machine - it looks a bargain.

Hugo Stiglitz

Original Poster:

38,432 posts

221 months

Thursday 30th November 2023
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BEEM comes with 12 months warranty. Ah no.


26,267 posts

268 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Neither can make a Latte Macchiato with one press of a button like this though.................

Hugo Stiglitz

Original Poster:

38,432 posts

221 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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How much!


26,267 posts

268 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
How much!
Perfect consistent coffee time after time. Any type you want hot or cold. For work just press the 'jug' option then pour into my flask and off to go....priceless wink


328 posts

30 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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Jura, best on the market along with Krups.