Japanese food container and lids, help!

Japanese food container and lids, help!



Original Poster:

1,471 posts

55 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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Hi everyone,

A bit of a long shot here but I am looking for the exact same stainless steel containers below with the set of silicone lids to go with. I have a few but needs a lot more. The guy who ordered them for us left a long time ago and I can't find any traces of paper work allowing me to find the supplier.

I don't mind ordering them straight from Japan but where!?
Anyone familiar with Japanese? I used google lens. I think that I found similar containers (not 100% sure) but can't find the lids.



248 posts

154 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Sorry, no help on the Japanese side but I would just google the bar code number. It comes up with a load of 18-8 steel pans that look a lot like the image and similar identifying marks, then just message the suppliers to see if they can help further?


9,503 posts

126 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Original Poster:

1,471 posts

55 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Thanks. I will investigate!


141 posts

141 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Last poster Rakuten link is 100% spot on.