Twiglets, Noooooooooo!



Original Poster:

2,281 posts

207 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, the snack nazis just killed them....
Just came back from the shops to grab a snack while the Xmas tree goes up far too early, the flavour has gone and they've been ruined guys!!

Short Grain

3,128 posts

230 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Saw the thread title Twiglets and thought lick " Not had them for ages, must get some when I go shopping! " Won't bother now frown


1,039 posts

24 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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I love Twiglets, but only the coating.

They were the snack of my Parent's drinks parties in the 1960s. Until it was discovered that as a toddler, I was licking off the marmite and putting the twig bit back in the bowl.


54,892 posts

265 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Are you sure it's not your sense of taste that's the issue??


1,972 posts

227 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Recipe changed some time back (2 years perhaps) and not as good now.

However, I am trying hard to wean myself onto them as no other option.

Granted, a first world problem!


1,252 posts

115 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Initially with the topic heading I thought they were being discontinued, i was gutted.
I find the odd time there isn’t much flavour then other times really tasty. Suppose like most crisps etc. sometimes full of flavour and sometimes not.
My go to snack as a treat, the big bag of twiglets and a glass of Pepsi. Rock and roll days for me!
My lad who’s 14 is also a fan of them with Pepsi. Mouthful of twiglets and a drink of Pepsi.


Original Poster:

2,281 posts

207 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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They've dropped salt by 60% apparently, no marmite taste now, just burnt bbq......what's the matter with these people....Xmas ruined!


714 posts

64 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Will marmite have to go as well?


Original Poster:

2,281 posts

207 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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DOCG said:
Will marmite have to go as well?
Bloody vegans


2,028 posts

33 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Dip them in marmite as you eat them.


333 posts

179 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Do you also remember when they used to do spicy ones (I think usually at Xmas) - they were lovely and released before the trend for spicy things. Despite the market calling for spicy snacks they have never revived them, which is a shame.


16,065 posts

237 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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They did curry flavour and worcestershire sauce flavour, the later being the greatest snack ever invented. Absolute bds.


4,581 posts

57 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Just leave some Nik Naks open on the windowsill for a few months.

Problem solved.


29,586 posts

252 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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Radec said:
Just leave some Nik Naks open on the windowsill for a few months.

Problem solved.
They're not as nice as a few years back either, bloody Nik Nak Nazis.


5,180 posts

113 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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As someone who has Twiglets in their top 3 greatest snacks of all time, I think this word of their demise is greatly exaggerated.

I had a bag a couple of weeks ago and they were great? Unless they've changed the recipe in the last month or so then there's no difference to how they've been tasting for years.

Have you just not had any for a few years? I'm usually right there on the front line to complain about snacks/drinks when they alter a recipe but honestly, I've noticed no difference with Twiglets.


1,490 posts

256 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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C5_Steve said:
As someone who has Twiglets in their top 3 greatest snacks of all time, I think this word of their demise is greatly exaggerated.

I had a bag a couple of weeks ago and they were great? Unless they've changed the recipe in the last month or so then there's no difference to how they've been tasting for years.

Have you just not had any for a few years? I'm usually right there on the front line to complain about snacks/drinks when they alter a recipe but honestly, I've noticed no difference with Twiglets.
I think it was last Christmas when I bought some and happened to see the horrified reviews...

But they seemed the same to me at that time. Not had them since so they may have changed.


1,055 posts

224 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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I suppose I’m just going to have to go out tomorrow and buy some! Just to see if they have changed you understand, it has nothing to do with me being a bit of a pig when it comes to savoury snacks!!!!

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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Slow.Patrol said:
I love Twiglets, but only the coating.

They were the snack of my Parent's drinks parties in the 1960s. Until it was discovered that as a toddler, I was licking off the marmite and putting the twig bit back in the bowl.
Not just you...



5,180 posts

113 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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Mobile Chicane said:
Slow.Patrol said:
I love Twiglets, but only the coating.

They were the snack of my Parent's drinks parties in the 1960s. Until it was discovered that as a toddler, I was licking off the marmite and putting the twig bit back in the bowl.
Not just you...

I can't eat them without thinking about the Mr Bean episode where he whips his own up with exactly that.


24,222 posts

240 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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I make my own for my packed lunch.

Coat two slices of Ryvita with butter then slaver on the marmite.

Squeeze together so that the marmite oozes through the holes.

Wrap in foil and take to work.

By lunchtime you'll have a giant twiglet smile