Attempting homemade Thai Curry (making the paste as well)

Attempting homemade Thai Curry (making the paste as well)



Original Poster:

9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Anyone experienced at this?

I'm looking at following this recipe:

Only concern is I don't imagine I'll be getting hold of shrimp paste at the shops near me, any idea if it's still doable without it? That recipe seems to think it's a "key ingredient".....

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Waitrose will have shrimp paste. Failing that, a good glug of fish sauce.


Original Poster:

9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Mobile Chicane said:
Waitrose will have shrimp paste. Failing that, a good glug of fish sauce.
Will it? Ok good to know, that's where I was heading anyway.
I do have fish sauce though, so that'll work as a sub?


24,222 posts

240 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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I get red or green Thai curry paste from most supermarkets.

A bit of oil in a pan, sizzle a couple of dollops of the paste for a few minutes, add a splash of coconut milk, then your chicken/beef/shrimps.

Cook quickly then add veg and a glug of fish sauce.

Put the rest of the can of coconut sauce in and simmer.

Quick, easy to do in about 15 minutes, so have your rice cooking at the same time.

hairy v

1,313 posts

154 months


2,971 posts

161 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Someone on here recommended Mae Jum Thai curry pastes. They are absolutely fantastic - really really good. When you can buy stuff this good, it really isn't worth the effort to make your own (curry paste that is).

Making a Thai curry is well worth the effort - not that it's much effort anyway.


Original Poster:

9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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hairy v said:
Sadly Waitrose failed on the shrimp paste, everything else was there though, so yeah I'll just order some for next time


2,674 posts

88 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Miso paste would work as well and Waitrose defintely sell that.

Or Amazon sell shrimp paste - delivery tomorrow (for me at least):


3,817 posts

189 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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My personal favourite is Mae Ploy paste.

Shrimp paste is handy to have, but fish sauce is easier to get hold of. I also have oyster sauce from sainsburys and that adds a lovely distinct flavour.

If your looking at Thai curries and stir frys then you will need at least one of the above. And good coconut milk, my local sainsburys is excellent for its world food section but I have a Filipino corner shop in my town which is a god send.


Original Poster:

9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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I’ve got both fish and oyster sauce….is one better than the other to replace my lack of shrimp paste?


3,817 posts

189 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Fish sauce is very potent (smell it hurl) but adds an essential taste to SE Asian food. Oyster sauce is sweeter and can be used as a dip due to its more delicate taste, personally I use both which will cover the lack of shrimp paste smile


Original Poster:

9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Well, I’m under way.

Here’s how the paste looks. I have no idea what it should smell like really, I think the overriding smell is the lime zest!

I think I may have put a bit too much of the chilli water in there, as it’s slightly runnier than perhaps it should be


6,476 posts

33 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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UTH said:
I’ve got both fish and oyster sauce….is one better than the other to replace my lack of shrimp paste?
Neither are good replacements for shrimp paste, miso paste or porcini paste would work. Oyster sauce and fish sauce are quite different.


Original Poster:

9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Oh well. I’ll have the right paste for next time.


Original Poster:

9,941 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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I must say I am exceptionally pleased with how this turned out.

Only issue is that Mrs UTH cannot handle any spice at all, and this was too spicy. Which does confuse me a bit as the only spice in the whole recipe was from the dried (then rehydrated) Kashmiri chillis I used in the paste.

1,000-2,000 on the Scoville scale apparently, but clearly too much for her.


24,222 posts

240 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Nice, well done Chef smile


3,252 posts

243 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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omniflow said:
Someone on here recommended Mae Jum Thai curry pastes. They are absolutely fantastic - really really good. When you can buy stuff this good, it really isn't worth the effort to make your own (curry paste that is).

Making a Thai curry is well worth the effort - not that it's much effort anyway.
My other half did a Thai cooking course and the Thai lady who was running it said not to bother making your own paste as it isn’t significantly better than shop bought and is a faff to make.

Waynker Renee

937 posts

179 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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I'm having a go at this blokes Green Curry recipe a bit later,watched him do a tutorial at Nantwich Food Festival. His approach is a bit different - I've always fried the chicken in the curry paste with a little bit of coconut milk then added the remainder of the tin gradually. Anyway,open to new ideas. Whenever I've been to Thailand I can't stop eating the stuff,breakfast as well but never seem to get the same results.