Yorkshire Provender Soup



Original Poster:

7,482 posts

138 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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any other fans?

For me the best mainstream chilled soups available - their Hearty Chicken and Lentil is bloody lovely.


6,902 posts

229 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Lotobear said:
any other fans?

For me the best mainstream chilled soups available - their Hearty Chicken and Lentil is bloody lovely.
Yes, but our go to is the tomato, red pepper and Wensleydale.

On offer at the moment in Waitrose.


4,603 posts

92 months

Friday 10th November 2023
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They are nice, but i stopped eating meat ones as the quality of the meat (in the chicken ones at least) is poor.