Charentes-Poitou, La Conviette Butter

Charentes-Poitou, La Conviette Butter



Original Poster:

6,014 posts

65 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Anyone know where I can buy Charentes-Poitou, La Conviette butter (or similar) in the UK.

Cote at home sell it, per roll, with a baguette, but I want to buy some in bulk.


Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Lescure is the closest. From Waitrose.


28,322 posts

203 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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What is special about this butter? Do they print the name of the cow on the packet? hehe


Original Poster:

6,014 posts

65 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Thanks MC. Will try some.

Dunno hidetheelephants, but it's bloody delicious.


6,496 posts

205 months

Tuesday 7th November 2023
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hidetheelephants said:
What is special about this butter? Do they print the name of the cow on the packet? hehe
Only a PDO designation.

I much prefer Isigny St Mere with large crystals of sea salt. A yellowy creamy butter that spreads easily on French bread. The two were made for each other.