Ooni customer service



Original Poster:

7,482 posts

138 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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We've had a Fyra 12 since early 2023 and have used it quite a bit.

On Tuesday I discovered the stone had cracked. Mrs Loto immediately swung into action and went on their site and reported it - a response came back within minutes apologising and asking for serial number and photo.

A new stone has just turned up via DHL!

I'm very impressed - shame it broke in the first place but their response was first class.

The Gauge

3,777 posts

23 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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I've heard of similar, over on the pizza oven thread.


1,071 posts

23 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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I'm on the Ooni Enthusiasts UK FB group (Lewis Pope who created that group is now the Ooni UK Customer Service Ambassador. Your story is pretty much the same I read all the time there. Suggest joining as if you ever do come across a support issue you can flag him there.