Pots and pans again! Procook?



Original Poster:

45 posts

169 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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Hi all. I need the collective experience of PH please. I need to replace an entire Circulon non-stick pans that lasted 3 years or so.

I keep seeing Procook tri-ply mentioned and wondered whether anyone had any experience, particularly of the uncoated variety. The alternative is going back to Circulon but my latest ones haven't been as good as previous versions I've had.

If it helps, I don't need frying pans in the set as I have a couple of Netherton Foundry jobbies.

Thanks for any responses!


12,087 posts

219 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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I’ve got a few uncoated saucepans and a nonstick sauté. Do the job fine. Heat evenly and are fairly sensitive to temp control. More than good enough for everyday use.


38 posts

88 months

Friday 27th October 2023
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Pretty much all our kitchen stuff for the last few years comes from Procook - good value for what appears to be good quality. Don’t think we have bought any uncoated saucepans yet, but have a couple of coated items which are excellent.
The knives we have from them are great also.